AJ Styles

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"Where is she?" AJ bursts through the door of the hospital room to only see his brother in law sitting in a chair.

"Woah calm down she's in the bathroom." Bobby stands up in defense. AJ looks at him and then at the closed bathroom door, he jumps when it suddenly opens and you step through.

"There you are, god are you alright?" He asks as he pulls you into a hug. You gasp a bit from the sudden contacts.

"AJ I'm fine, that is of you don't crush me." You tell your fiance from your spot smashed against his chest.

"Right sorry." He nods letting you go. "Are you alright?" He asks again as he looks at you.

"Yes." You giggle at the worried man in front of you. "I'm fine, just a broken arm is all." You lift your right arm to reveal a cast on your lower arm. AJ looks at your arm as you sit down on the hospital bed.

"I should have been there with you." He tells you as he sits down next to you. You chuckle and look at him.

"It's just a broken arm babe, and Bobby did a just fine job getting me here." You gesture to your brother sitting in a chair in the corner.

"Yeah all she did was fall, were just waiting in the discharge papers in fact." Bobby nods. "How'd you get out of work?" He asks AJ.

"Told Shane my fiance was in the hospital." AJ replies.

"You played the dying fiance card for a broken arm?" You ask with a laugh. "Really AJ?"

"Hey in my defense Bobby didn't tell me what happened, just that you were here." AJ protests. You look over at your smiling brother.

"I wanted to see how fast he could get here." Bobby shrugs. "Only took him 15 minutes." He points to the clock.

"Wow thats a new record of over protective boyfriend." You giggle.

"Fiance." AJ reminds you. You roll your eyes and fidget with the ring on your finger, given to you just a few weeks prior.

"Right." You nod still not used to the new status. "Bobby can you go see what's keeping them?" You ask your brother. "I'm so ready to just get out of here." You sigh.

Bobby nods and heads out to the nurses station. Once he's gone you look over at your fiance and lean on him with a sigh.

"I can't believe you actually played the dying fiance card, glad to know you love me so much though." You giggle.

"You kidding me, i would have come if Shane let me or not." AJ smiles as he rubs your shoulder. "You're way more important than my job."

"Yeah like it be sooo hard for you to find another job if you got fired." You roll your eyes. In reality it be more that easy for AJ to find a job outside of WWE, NJPW, TNA, and even ROH where interested in your fiance.

Bobby finally comes back with a nurse by his side who happens to be holding your papers.

"Alright just sign here and here and you can go." She smiles as she hands you the papers. You quickly sign them and stand up ready to go.

"You can go back to work of you want babe." You tell AJ as you three walk out to the parking lot.

"Nah." AJ shakes his head. "Shane gave me the night off anyway. You need a ride home Bobby?" AJ asks your brother.

"Nah I'll call a cab, you two head home." Bobby shakes his head.

"Alright, see you later big bro." You wave to your brother as you walk out to your parked car. "You're driving." You inform AJ as you step to the passenger side of the car.

When you finally get back to your house it's well into the night, all the lights are off in the house since when you left to was still light out. You walk up to the door and unlock it then step inside and switch the light in.

"Ugh I forgot it smells like paint in here." AJ groans as he steps inside.

"Yeah I've been inhaling it all day, get over it." You roll your eyes as you step over a tarp and into your kitchen.

The new house you and AJ just bought was still getting some work done, you'd been painting your office when you'd fallen off the ladder and broke your arm. You glance inside said room at the tipped ladder and close the door.

"I'll finish that later." You joke as you  close the door. The only room in the house not having work done was your bedroom, that was the room you'd made sure to do first.

"Finally home." AJ sighs as he falls onto your bed.

"Same." You giggle as you do the same. "Now it's time to rest." You sigh as you roll over into a blanket not bothering to change.

"I can't agree more." AJ agrees as he does the same.

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