TJ Perkins

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When you went to school to get your diploma in arts and music you had the idea of becoming a famous artist or even a musician. You didn't think you'd be doing posters and ads for WWE. It did pay well though so you didn't complain. You also met your best friend Sami Zayn while working there.
TJ needed some new merchandise now that he was playing on the main roster of WWE, he was tokd to go see the girl that did all the promo art and music. He made his way down to her office at the HQ. Knocking in the door it swung open. TJ walked in to find the room empty. A desk was in the middle scattered with papers and pens. Cases of colored pencils and paints piled on top of it. He turned to leave when a girl walked in.
"Oh hey, you my three o'clock?"
"Yeah thats me." TJ replied.
You walked into the room and set down your tablet , laptop , and coffee, along with a book bag and jacket. After that you sat down and looked at the guy in front of you.
"Sorry about the mess, I'm horible at organizing."
"That fine, neither am I. So a friend told me your the best merch designer in the company?"
"Well I wouldnt say that, but I've done some best sellers." You reply handing TJ a book with past projects.
As he looked through it you pulled out a pencil and blank drawing pad.
"So, any idea what you want on a T-shirt?"
"Umm well I'm into old school video games, I was thinking an 8 bit style."
"Alright, how about this."
You quickly made a rough sketch of an 8 bit TJ on the pad and showed it to him.
"Yeah that looks awesome."
"Alright what else?"
TJ sat in silence for a second before speaking.
"Im known for the fact that I dab when I come out to the ring."
You nod your head and draw another picture. When your done you hand it to him. He takes it amd looks it over then hands it back.
"I love it."
"Perfect take a look at these."
You hand him some color schemes and grab you tablet and pen. While he looks through the colors you transfer the drawing to a digital copy to render and change.
"How about this one."
TJ hands you a scheme and you nod.
"Alright come back tomorrow to see the draft."
"Will do, thanks."
TJ leaves amd you get to work on his shirt. You pull up a photo of him and get to work. The next day TJ showed up while you and Sami where hanging out.
"Oh hey TJ, just give me a second to finish up."
You said bye to Sami and pulled up your files for Perkins.
"Bye Sami, talk to you later. Alright Perkins, here are some of the designs I did."
You turned your tablet to him and let him look at them. There where three shirts and some bracelets and other stuff. He looked through it and smiled.
"I love them all."
"Well thank you."
"No I mean it, these are fucking awesome."
You shake your head and smile. TJ hands back the tablet.
"Well do me a favor and write down ideas for some more stuff."
You hand TJ a pen and paper then go to your own work. A while layer TJ gets up and walks over to you. He looks at your tablet screen to see an almost finished drawing of AJ styles and John cena for a summerslam poster.
"Hey that's really good."
"Hmm, oh yeah thanks. Its the headlining summerslam poster."
"Yeah I can see that."
"Hey you doing anything for lunch?" You ask.
"Uh no why?"
"Wanna go get some lunch with me?" You ask grabbing a pen.
"Like a date?" TJ replies smiling.
"I guess you could call it a date, yeah your cute enough."
You and TJ go out to a cafe down the road. While there you get a sketch of him with a kid and give it to him signed. The kid loves it, his mom thanks you.
"Thanks for that, you two make and adorable couple by the way."
You and TJ share a look and smile. The date ends with TJ giving you a kiss on the cheek goodbye. That's not tbr last time be does.

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