Pete Dunne

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You walked down the hall of the arena where Raw was being held tonight on high alert, with SmackDown Live haven already attacked the roster once they where bond to strike again and being Curts assistant you where tasked with keeping an eye out for them. The backstage area was quiet enough for being in the UK, usually they where a bit more rowdy but the show had just gotten underway not 20 minutes ago.

"Hey y/n." Bailey greets you followed by a hug.

"Hey Bailey, good luck tonight." You wish her. "Oh and keep an eye out for any SmackDown members will ya?" You ask her.

"Yeah sure thing y/n, and thanks." Bailey smiles as she walks off down the hall.

You continue on until you get to Curt's office and head in, he's in the middle of talking to Alexa Bliss. You wave to her off camera, since you two are good friends and wait for the camera's to leave so you can talk to your boss. When they finally leave you walk over to him to report your news.

"I'm back Angle." You announce yourself. "And i'm happy to report there is no sign of the SmackDown roster tonight, I've also increased security at all entrances and exits in the building for good measure." You report to him.

"Good job y/n." Curt replies. "Go ahead and do one more sweep of the perimeter and while your at it you can show our newest roster member around before his match with Enzo tonight." Curt tell you.

"New roster member?" You reply confused, Curt hadn't told you about a new member of the roster.

"Yeah i made a deal with Triple H for him and a few others, but they will be on 205 Live and Corey has that covered. You've heard of the current UK champion right, Pete Dunne?" He asks you.

Have you heard of Pete Dunne? That was a stupid question. Of course you'd heard of the bruiserweight and current UK champion, he was by far the best and not to mention hottest on the UK roster.

"Uh yeah i've heard of him, he's starting tonight?" You ask making sure to keep your cool.

"Yep, he should be here any minute, when he gets here show him around. I've got some stuff to do so see you later." Curt explains as he dismisses himself from the room.

You nod and hand back to wait for Pete, your heart pounds as you do. Alexa would flip if she saw him, she also had a huge thing for the man. But you weren't about to let that happen now where you? Sure enough about ten minutes later the door swung open and you spotted a gold belt from the corner of your eye as you looked down at your phone, you waited for the door to close to look up.

"You must be Pete." You smile politely as you take a look at him.

He's wearing casual clothes for now, just a tight shirt showing off his physic and some loose fitting pants, work out clothes most likely.

"Duh." He replies with a smirk. "And you must be Curt's assistant." He asks.

You nod and pocket your phone before going to shake his hand, he accepts and never breaks eye contact as he does. Your stomach does a flip as he stares you in the eyes but you keep your cool.

"So first off welcome to Raw, second i'll be showing you around if you wanna follow me." You explain as you turn and walk to the door.

"Lead the way love." Pete replies.

You swallow hard. God why does he have to be soooooooo hot? You think to yourself. None the less you keep calm and walk out into the hall and wait for him to reach your side, he does and you begin the tour all while keeping on the lookout for any SmackDown members.

"Why are you so alert?" Pete finally asks you after he tires of you looking around the halls like a paranoid kid.

"Oh uh i'm on the lookout for any SmackDown Live members, with Survivor Series just a few weeks away who knows what they are up to." You explain as you reach a guard at the main exit. "Any trouble boys?" You ask one of them.

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