Sami Zayn

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"Ouch." You groan as your shoulder grazes another wall.

You'd broken your glasses and hadn't the slightest idea where your contacts where so you were virtually blind for the day. You turned the corner in the Hall and again hit your shoulder.

"Damn it." You mumble as you rub your shoulder.

You the corner and saw someone coming down the hallway, all you see is a blurr with red hair so you take it to be curt Hawkins and try to avoid hitting him to no avail.

"Oof" The ginger mumbles as you hit him.

"Sorry Hawkins." You apologize as you look at him.

"Hawkins?" He replies confused. "Y/n it's Sami."

You face palm for your mistake and shake your head.

"Sorry Sami, I'm not wearing my contacts and can't see very well." You explain.

"Oh that's fine n/n, want me to walk with you? " He asks with what you assume to be a smile.

"Yeah that would be great actually." You reply with a nod.

Sami nods and walks close to your side and guides you around corners with ease, it's much better than hitting every wall you come near.

"So I didn't know you wore contacts." Sami tells you as thw two of you walk.

"Yeah since I was like 13." You nod. "I wore mostly glasses when i was a teen. But it's kind of hard to wear them when working." You explain.

"Yeah I can see that, oh be careful stairs up ahead." He warns you.

You nod and take a cautious step forward, then another one. You feel Sami grab your arm with his hand and help guide you forward, you step up and land on the first step with a smile.

"Well that was easy." You muse.

You spoke to soon, as soon as you tried to take another step you missed it and fell back. Thank god Sami was there to grab your waist and keep you from falling over.

"Thank you." You smile as you steady yourself.

"No problem, just a bit further to the outside." Sami smiles.

You nod and take the next fee steps slow, you sigh in relief when you come to the door leading outside.

"So I don't suppose I could get you to walk me to my hotel room could i?" You ask as you step into the empty lot.

"It be my pleasure mam." Sami teases.

You crack a smile and take his arm as he walks you through the lot and across the street to the hotel.

"What floor are you on?" He asks you when you reach the hotel lobby.

"Uh room 136 on the third floor, and maybe the elevator would be best." You tell him as you pass the door to the stairs.

"Yes it would wouldn't it." Sami replies.

You both step into the elevator and Sami hits the button, you lean against the wall as the elevator starts to move.  When you get to your room you unlock the door and step inside.

"Hey y/n." Sami calls you. "Are these your glasses?" He asks as he hold a pair of black glasses you'd forgotten about.

"Yes I believe they are." You smile. "I totally forgot I had those."

Sami chuckles and hands them to you, you graciously take them and slide them on your face. The world goes from a huge blurr to crystal clear in an instant and you finally get a look at your knight in shining armor.

"Ah that's much better, you actually look clear now." You grin.

"Well thank you." Sami replies.

"No problem. Can I maybe make this up to you somehow?" You ask him wanting to repay the favor.

"Hmm." Sami replies. "Lemme think. How about a date?"

You can't help but crack a smile as he says this, sure it was a sly move, but for the love of God the man in front of you was so unbearably cute.

"I think I can manage one date." You tell him with a grin. "Where would you like to take me?"

"How about pancakes?" Sami suggests.

"Sounds lovely." You reply as you take his arm again, this time just for the fun of it.

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