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"TJ come on we have a match in like ten minutes." You drone as you lightly bang on the dressing room door.
Fonally your bestfriend swings the door open letting steam fill the room. You sigh in releif that he hadn't fallen in or something and sit down.
"Who's my match against again?" He asks pulling on his shoes.
"Austin Aries." You reply as you check your watch again.
"Hey, I have a question for you. Youve been my manager for a while now and we're best friends right?" He asks getting up from his spot to join you at the door.
"Of course your my bestfriend TJ, your thinking about turning heal aren't you?" You question as the two of you walk down the hallway.
You'd known for a while that Perkins was thinking of taking a heel turn, he wasn't getting as much attention as either of you wanted amd that needed to change. TJ nodded his head signalling you wjere right about a heal turn.
"I already have a partner and story set up, you'll meet my new partner and he'll give you the story while I start my promo." He explained as you two approached the room before the ramp.
You wished him luck as his music hit and he ran through the curtain leaving you alone with a few camera men. You stood watching the television when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around to see the current cruiserweight champion and biggest heal, Neville.
"Hey Adrian, what can I do for you?" You ask incrossing your arms.
"Your Perkins manager right?" He asks holding a folder in his hand.
"Yeah, you don't happen to be his new heal partner do you?" You reply raising an eyebrow.
He smiles and puts out his hand for you to shake, you take it and give it a firm shake. He hands you the folder and you skim through it quickly, while your doing so you notice he's only in his wrestling tights with his belt slung over his shoulder.
"This gonna end in a tag team match?" You ask not lookimg up from the folder.
"Yeah, how'd you know?" He replies looking at you.
"Looked at the match cards earlier and your not sheduled, also your wearing your tights so." You reply pointing to the tights with your pen not looking up from the paper.
You can feel him smiling at you as you finish reading the paper. When you look up he's looking at the TV screen waiting for his moment to go.
"Well wish me luck." He says as he gets ready to go.
"Don't worry, you and Perkins won't need it." You reply with a smile.
You stand and glance at the TV as the match continues now a tag team. Tj and his new found partner are killing it together, he's not that bad looking either. Sure TJ was considered in good shape, he had muscle and a toned body. But when you compared him to his new partner he looked small. Adrian was all muscle and adtitude, wrestling in only tight made the view even better. You turned to the curtain when TJ's music hit.
"Good work out there boys." You exclaim avoiding TJ's sweaty hug. He chuckles and turns to his new partner.
"Well." You speak up. "I took the liberty of getting a new locker room that rooms three."
You throw both boys a key and walk them down the hall to the new room. When you hey there TJ goes off to grab and move his thing leaving you alone with Adrian.
"So are you and Perkins a thing?" He asks.
You choke on your water a bit then swallow hard. With a painful smile you look at him and shake your head.
"No, God no. We're just best friends."
A smile of relief spreads across Adrian's face as he nods his head and checks his watch.
"Wanna go get some dinner then?" He asks looking at you.
You stay silent for a second, is he serious? You and him barely met earlier that night. He is hot and charming though.
"Yeah I'm down." You reply quickly texting TJ where you went.
You and Adrian take off before TJ insists in tagging along for the date.

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