Pete Dunne

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"Well hello y/n." Pete cooed as he passes you in the hallway on his way down his locker room. "What brings you to this part of the building? Looking for trouble i assume."

"You would be correct, i'm looking for your extremely annoying boyfriend Tyler Bate. Happen to know where he is, or should i just check your locker room couch?" You reply with a smile.

Pete snickers and flashes a line of pearl white teeth, after shifting the belt on his shoulder he looks you over deciding if he wants to help and tell you where Bate is.

"He's in the catering room stuffing his face with food." Pete finally tells you.

"Well look at that, Pete Dunne actually being helpful for once." You tease nodding.

"Yeah well take a photo, it'll last longer." Pete replies.

You pull out your phone taking him seriously and pull up the camera, you turn it toward Dunne so you both are in the frame.

"Smile for the camera Dunne."

Pete flashes a smile and you click the camera then stash it back in your pocket, after it's safe you nod him off and head down to catering. Sure enough you find Tyler sitting on a bench eating from a plate of food, you walk over and plop down next to the blonde.

"Tyler, you're late for your meeting with me." You remind him angrily.

"I know, didn't want to go." Tyler replies wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"Whatever, just try and keep in check alright." You sigh not wanting to argue with him.

Ever since you got stuck with Tyler for your babysitting job he'd been a pain in your side, he refused to come see you when you needed and was an overall ass. Not to mention you had to deal with Pete, the biggest ass in NXT whenever you needed to find him.

A few hours later you're walking back down to the office to put away some papers when you spot Samoa Joe coming down the hall. 'great' you think to yourself 'just what i need, NXT's biggest asshole with the exception of Dunne and Bate'. You grasp your papers hard turning your knuckles white and hope he'll just pass you, you don't get lucky. As Joe passes you he elbows the stack of papers sending them flying to the floor.

"Thanks asshat." You comment as you bend down to pick up the papers.

"What you just call me?" Joe replies holding you.

"You heard me Joe, or is it hard to understand English with suck a big empty head?" You reply picking up papers.

Joe walks over to you, you instantly regret speaking. You're no fighter, sure a loud mouth and a big talker but not a fighter. Your whole 5 feet and three inches wasn't going to get you far with Samoa Joe. Your best bet is to smart ass your way out of this.

"You wanna keep being a smart ass l/n?" Joe asks getting in your face.

"I mean it's gotten me this far." You reply smiling.

All of a sudden Joe grabs the collar of your shirt, you smirk which is probably a bad idea.

"What you hit girls now? Is it because this is the only way you'll ever be this close to a woman?" You ask the fuming Samoan holding you off the ground.

"Dont test me l/n." Joe warns.

You can smell his rancid breath, but you wont back down. Looks like you'll be making a trip to the infirmary in a few minutes.

"Ahh did i say something? Truth hurts doesn't it?" You snicker.

You brace yourself for an impact at your face, and sure enough Joe hits you solidly in the face near the right eye. Then he drops you to the floor, you drop and cover the eye with a hand. Joe snickers and walks off proud of his work.

"Yeah walk off Joe, because hitting girls is so cool." You snap standing up.

Joe walks off thank god and you head to the infirmary for an ice pack. You snag one from a freezer before any medics ask why you need one, last thing you need is for Joe to wail on you for being a snitch. Your on your back to the office with the ice pack and papers in hand when you run into Pete.

"god what happened to you?" Pete asks seeing the bruised eye and pack in your hand.

"I'll spill of you carry these for me." You reply gesturing to the papers.

"I guess i could be a decent guy for once, you are a damsel in distress." Pete replies smirking.

You roll your eyes and pretend to change your mind, Pete just rolls his in return and grabs the papers. The walk to your office is short and you have Pete set the papers down on your desk, shutting the door behind you turn to find Pete looking at you expecting an answer to his question.

"Meet my black eye, curtacy of Samoa Joe because i don't know how to keep my mouth shut." You say holding the pack to your eye.

"Joe did that to you?" Pete asks sounding genuinely concerned.

"yep." you reply.

Pete stays silent for a moment, he looks at the bruise the whole time. You find this a bit weird but ignore it, he probably thinks its funny.

"I'll see you later." Pete finally speaks standing up to leave.

You nod and he walks off, funny he never once made a rude or degrading comment. You'd think he'd jump right on that, but not this time for some reason. You just figure he didn't want to be rude for once in his life, after the swelling in your eye goes down you head back out to return the ice pack and get some food from catering. On your way down to the catering room you hear people yelling and rush to the area, you see Tyler standing in the back of the crowd and rush over to him.

y/n, oh what happened to your eye?" He asks.

"Joe, me running my mouth." You reply giving him the short version. "Whats going on?"

"Pete totally went off on Joe a few minutes ago, had to pry him off of him and call a medic for Joe. He's going to the hospital man, guess i know why now." Tyler tells you.

"Why?" You ask not knowing what he means.

"y/n, you. He went after Joe after i assume he saw what Joe did to you. You do know that he has like a huge thing for you right?" Tyler asks assuming you knew. "Wait you didn't know?"

Your face goes a bit white as you shake your head, before Tyler can reply you bolt through the crowd of people and spot Pete sitting on a box surrounded by guards. Knowing you don't pose a threat they don't pay attention to you.

"Why are you here l/n? Come to make fun of me?" Pete asks looking at you.

You don't bother to answer his question as you smash your lips to his, the taste of pizza and lavender lip balm mixing together. When you both break up for air Pete looks up at you confused, you wrap your arms around his neck and whisper in his ear.

"Thank you, and i love you to Dunne."

You can almost feel the smile form on Pete's face as he wraps his arms around you and whispers back.

"My pleasure princess."

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