Dean Ambrose

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You sprinted down the all white hallway as fast as your legs would carry you, the lights above you burned bright in your sleepless eyes but you didnt care. All that mattered was him.

You'd gotten the call around three in the morning, Dean, your fiance, was in the hospital after a nasty confrontation with a collegue at a bar.

You turned the corner to the trama wing and raced to the room the lady on the phone said he was in, as you reached the door a doctor stopped you.

"Im sorry but only family at this hour mam." He spoke blocking the doorway.

"Im his fiance." You reply out of breath.

The doctor nods and moves out of the way, you walk in the small room and glance at the bed. As you do your heart shatters into pieces. Dean lays in bed his face covered in cuts and bruises, he's hooked up to a machine and has an iv in his arm. The doctor follows after you.

"What happened to him doc?" You ask holding back a small tear.

"Came in a few hours ago, brutal bar fight. Two broken ribs , a cuncusion , bruises and cuts on his face , and a broken wrist." The doc explains to you.

You nod and turn to the doctor, he gives you a small smile.

"Can you tell me who else was injured? My cousin was out at the bar with him." You ask

"One Finn Balor and a Mike Mizanin." The doctor replies as he heads out the door.

You almost gag at the mention of Mike, he was always talking shit about you and dean. And Finn, your cousin probaly got hurt breaking up the fight. You pat deans arm and walk out to see where finn is.

"Exuse me miss but can you tell me where Fergal Devitt is? Im his cousin."

"Sure thing sweetie, room 103." The lady behins the desk smiles.

You nod and head down the hall to the room, upon getting their you walk inside to see finn sitting in his bed.

"Y/n." He smiles as you enter. "Hows dean?"

"Asleep. Wanna explain what happened?" You ask taking a seat in a chair at his side.

"We where drinking at the bar after the gym, Mike showed up looking to rile him up. Didnt do much till he started talking about you. Then all if a sudden he goes ahead and calls you a slut and dean tackles him through a table and starts throwing punches." Finn explains to you.

You shake your head, Dean was always ready to defend your honor.

"I managed to pull them apart with the help of a bartender, not before they'd gone through some furniture though." Finn adds chuckling a bit. "God he loves ya to bits ya know that?"

"Hm. Yeah i do finn, thats why im marrying him." You remind the irishman flashing the ring on your finger.

Finn flashes a smile, the two of you talk for a bit then you head back to deans room. When you get back dean is sitting up and arging with his doctor.

"Dont argue with the doc babe." You scold him as you walk into the room.

Deans gaze shoots to you and a smile spreads on his face.

"You know you really have to start getting into fights and more reasonable hours." You tease walking over to his bed.

"Ah but that's no fun now is it?" Dean replies kissing your cheek.

"I talked to finn." You tell him sitting down on his bedside. "You need to learn how to ignore mike." You sigh squeezing his hanx. "I do."

"I know baby, and i tried. But he just wouldn't stop and i just snapped. Im sorry." Dean replies.

"I know babe." You smile kissing his forhead. "Ill be back in a minute, ive gotta call finns girlfriend k." You tell him getting up.

Dean nods and watches you walk out the door, you walk out to the hall and dials finns girls number since you know hes afriad to. After you make the call your on your way back to deans room When you hear someone call your name.

"Hey l/n!" A woman yells.

You turn around to see mikes wife striding your way.

"Your stupid fiance almost killed my husband." She yells at you.

"My fiance? Oh that cheap. Your husband is the one who started it, he was trying to piss dean off by talking shit about me." You yell back.

"Hey it's not my fault your a slut. Mike was just warning dean." Maryse replies.

"Oh im the slut now?" You ask. "Comimg from the girl who's slept with half the locker room? You told mike whos baby that really is? Or is baby Bo Dallas a secret." You spit back.

Maryse fumes with anger and storms off with her heels clicking on the tile.

"Just you wait l/n we'll sue your boyfriend." She snarles.

"That's fiance, and go ahead sugar. Im a lawyer remember." You reply walking back to deans room.

When you reach deans room you find him at the doorway with a smile on his face.

"You hear all that?" You ask blushing a bit.

"Every word." Dean replies smiling "thats my girl."

You smirk and lead him back to his bed.

"Looks like you've been rubbing off on me." You smirk kissing his lips. "And i think i love it."

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