Bullet Club

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You stood next to Finn as you two walked. Today he was introducing you to his Bullet Club friends.
"You sure they'll like me?" You ask.
"Yes babe, they'll love you. Your you."
It was true, Finn Balor was pretty much dating Kenny omega with boobs. You loved to wrestle and weren't the most polite person. You did however love games. You walk in the room behind Finn.
"Boys listen up, I'd like to introduce you to y/n, shes my sister."
You move Infront of him and wave. Styles is the first to get up. He walks over and looks at you. Your dressed in black ripped jeans and combat boots, a top with the bullet club logo hugs your chest.
"Nice to meet you n/n, I'm AJ."
You shake his hands and say hi to gallows and Anderson. You used to babysit for Anderson so you know him. Last is you as a man.
"Oh and that's omega, he's you only a dude." Finn points.
You spot omega leaning against the wall. You walk over and say hi.
"Balor, this is the new recruit?"
"Yep, shes known for being able to get whatever she wants."
You smile and fist bump him then walk back over to your brother. After a while you all head down to the dining room. After a while you all split up. Finn and AJ sit on chairs.
"Dude your right, she is omega with boobs."
They both look over to you, your leaning on the wall, one leg crossed over the other. Kenny does the same thing.
"You think that's cool."
Finn calls you over and motions for you yo sit down. AJ starts asking questions.
"Favorite color , game , movie, and food."
"Umm OK, grey , the original Zelda , the hobbit , and tacos." You reply quickly.
"By God she is omega with boobs. What's your high score on COD?"
"Ranked fifth in the US, zombies I can solo till round 67."
Styles looks at you in awe, he needs to see you and omega play. After dinner you head back to your room. You share with AJ.
"Hey styles."
"Hey n/n, you get that bed."
He points to the empty bed and you throw down your things.
"Hey I heard you've been getting requests to come to WWE."
"Yeah, don't think I'm going to take it though."
"Oh yeah? I was in WWE before Finn dragged me here. Its a good deal, but this place is much more fun."
"Huh, thanks." AJ replies.
You dig out some different clothes and change in the bathroom. When you come out you find your room has been invaded by Kenny and Anderson. Also Finn walks through the door. You walk over and kick your things under the bed. You go to your laptop while the guys drink and talk. You humm a tune from your headphones. You feel eyes on you after a while. Everyone is looking at you.
"Can I help you guys?"
"You where singing."Styles replies.
"oh, my bad." You reply.
"No, you have a really good voice." Adds Anderson.
The rest of the guys agree. You thank them and smile. There playing a game now so you join in.
"You'll get cornered there." You warn AJ.
Sure enough he gets cornered and looses. He passes the controller to Anderson. Each man goes through and looses after round 20. Then Kenny goes. Round 20 then 30 then 40.at 42 he gets killed.
"Damn omega, mad skills. Mind if I try?"
He passes the controller to you. No one pays any attention until you hit 40 then 50. They all crowd around you as you kill zombie after zombie, round 60 hits and your sweating. They all look in horror as you get cornered in a desperate attempt for ammo. Backed Into a wall you knife zombie after zombie. Then you die. The screen pops up and you jump for joy. Round 72. You beat your high score.
"Round 72, fuck yeah new record."
"Damn, what was your record?" Omega asked.
"Like sixty something." You reply.
After a few more rounds and lots of criticism from you and Kenny everyone went back to their rooms. You sat on your bed scrolling through a list of matches and places for The Bullet club to be at. You look up when a shirts thrown at you. AJ is standing with the rest of the guys.
"Put on the shirt, then come take a photo."
You grab the black shirt and slip it over your head them walk over to the group. You slip in by Balor and Omega then smile. The camera flashes and the photo is taken, your now an official member of Bullet Club.

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