Seth Rollins

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"You gotta admit I'm pretty damn cool." Seth smirks as he looks in the mirror at himself. You sneer and look at him.

"I can think of five people right now that are cooler than you." You tell him, this makes him turn around and raise a brow at you.

"Oh yeah who?" He asks confident that you were bluffing.

"Well for starters me." You reply. "Roman  , Bobby  , Kurt  , and Jason Obviously." You quickly come up with four other names and speed them out.

"You think Jason's cooler than me?" Jason asks as he glances at the younger man oblivious he's being talked about from across the room. You giggle liking the jealous look on Seth's face.

"Way cooler." You smirk as you walk over to Jason and tap his shoulder, Jason slips off his headphones and looks up at you. "I'm going to the gym wanna come?" You ask him.

"Yeah sure, just lemme grab my jacket." Jason jumps up eager to hang out with you. You glance back at Seth who wears a slightly annoyed look, Japan grabs his jacket and you head out with him.

"You're welcome to join us Seth." You silently giggle as yay walk out the door.

Seth stands in his place for a moment, he knows your teasing him. He glances at Roman who sits reading a book in a chair.

"She wants you go after her." He encourages his brother in arms. "She likes it when you actually try to win her attention." He reminds Seth.

Seth nods with a groan and grabs his ken jacket before heading down to the gym, when he arrives you and Jason are both lifting weights in the back. He jogs up and joins you.

"Oh you finally decided to show up huh Rollins?" You ask him as you life the weight your holding.

"Yeah we've already done a set." Jason adds doing the same. Seth rolls his eyes mostly at you and grabs some weights of his own.

"So what's the plan for tonight since deans still gone and I don't think we're booked for a match?" You ask more to Jason than Seth. Jason looks at you with a smile knowing he can't help, but your gaze is flickering to Seth behind him teasing your eyes by lifting a considerable amount of weight.

"I could get Seth a match with Finn Balor from my dad." Jason suggests to you. You aren't paying attention to what he's saying, sure your looking at him but all he says goes right passed you.

"Uh yeah sure sounds like a plan." You nod finally coming back to reality. Jason nods and goes back to his workout, you notice Seth is next to an open space and decide squats sound like a good workout. "This space taken?" You ask as you walk up to him with a squat bar.

"No by all means." Seth replies with a devilish grin. "Get tired of looking at the B view?" He teases you. You smirk.

"Yeah now I've got a front row seat to TJ Perkins." You grin as Seth realizes you've turned around to face the other superstar lifting weights a few feet away.

"Huh well at least now I've got a nice view." He mumbles to himself as you begin your workout.

After finishing up at the gym you decide to go get some food, Seth joins you while Jason heads back to the arena.

"What should we eat?" You ask as stand in the parking lot your sweater pulled up tight.

"I don't know what do you want?" Seth asks back as he to pulls up his sweater due to the cold wind.

"Umm how about burgers?" You suggest just wanting to get out of the cold. Seth nods and you hurry inside a small burger place and take a seat in a booth.

After ordering food you pull out your phone and look at a text you have, it's from TJ. He's asking of you wanna go out, since you seemed so interested at the gym, you smirk and giggle a bit.

"Hmm maybe I will." You say aloud catching seth's attention.

"You will what?" He asks curious about your smile.

"Oh nothing much, TJ just asked me out is all." You reply nonchalantly. This earns a look from Seth.

"Perkins? You don't even like him." He replies.

"Who said that?" You ask. "He's hot and loves video games why wouldn't I like him?" You ask.

Seth mumbles something just as your food arrives at the table.

Later that night after Seth's match you stand waiting for him to leave to ring when TJ shows up with a smirk on his face.

"Hey y/n." He greets you.

"Hey TJ." You nod at him.

All of a sudden a hand grabs your waist and drags you away, you look up and see seth giving Perkins a stern look.

"Haha." You giggle as your dragged away. "I knew you can't stand it can you?"

"Just shush and deal with it sweetheart." Seth replies as he whisks you away to the locker room.

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