Final <3

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Your heels clicked on the tile as you quickly ran to the Host Club, you were late. On the last day of school, to the biggest party Ouran has ever had, you were late. What an impression. You burst through the door, almost falling over your heels. You were wearing a black dress that ended at your knees and black high-heeled shoes that bugged the hell out of you. The dress was long sleeved and your hair was nicely wrapped into a small bun on top of your head, finished with a small black flower clip on he right side of your hair. In short, you looked beautiful.

"You're late," Kyoya said, pushing up his glasses. He was wearing a jet black suit and his hair was slicked to the right.

"I am so sorry, I lost track of time, I-I-" you stuttered trying to find an excuse that Kyoya would believe. Only, Kyoya knew everything, so there was absolutely nothing you could say.

"(Y/N)-chan!!!!" Honey ran up to you, jumping into your arms and squeezing you tight. "You look so pretty! Look at Usa-Chan, he's dressed up too, see!!" Honey waved the bunny in my face. The pink bunny was wearing a black bow tie that matched his own. The theme of the night must of been black, looking around you noticed nobody stood out from one another.

"Honey! You dropped cake all over the floor when you broke out running, oh hello (Y/N)," Haruhi sweetly said.

"Oh no, I did?!" Honey whined, "that's okay I'll just grab another piece instead," he giggled. It was hard to believe how he could change attitudes in a split second.

Mori-Senpai smiled at you then followed Honey and Haruhi back to a table where girls swooned over them, all of hem blushing madly.

"So the princess has arrived," Tamaki said, approaching you from behind.

"I'm not a princess," you said, slightly annoyed but blushing a bit none the less.

Tamaki changed the subject, "are you having fun? It's the last day of school you should sit down, relax, have some cake, talk to people! Be social!!" Tamaki went on and on. You decided it'd be best to walk away. The room sparkled like a shooting star. Every inch of the place was shiny. It was all decorated in black and white flowers and it smelled amazing, just like amazing pastries and other sweets you couldn't wait to stuff your face in.

Only for some reason you felt empty. Like a part of you was missing. You continued walking around, greeting people politely and asking them how they've been, what they've been up to lately, how there family is. But nothing cheered you up, as the night went on so did the overwhelming loneliness you felt in your heart. You decided to get some fresh air. You excused yourself from the ballroom and walked into the courtyard. The cool air gave you a sense of relief as you walked out of the room. It smelled fresh, like it had just rained. What a good year it had been, you thought. All of your dreams were fulfilled, except one.

You decided after five minutes of walking aimlessly you'd head back inside. You opened the doors and walked back in. The smell of pastries hit you again like a smack in the face. It was nice. You walked over a snuck a chocolate chip cookie off of a plate. You took a bite, it was amazing.

"Tsk, tsk, already digging into the sweets," you turned around, it was Susan. That bitch. You thought.

"Yea, I like sweets, problem?" You eyed her suspiciously. She was wearing a long black dress and her hair color wasn't purple anymore, it was brown. She picked up a sugar cookie and examined it, before taking a bite into it and swallowing.

"I'm sorry, about the whole fiasco this year. I'm just...-extremely jealous. It's hard watching the people you love being taken away from you.. Ya know?" She said, smiling sweetly at you and taking another bite of cookie.

"Yea, I sure do know a lot about that," you rolled your eyes teasingly and giggled, "it's okay, I understand," you said, smiling back at her. "It's been an amazing year," you said, finishing your cookie and clapping your hands.

"Yeah, it has been, well I should get going, I'm supposed to be home in ten minutes, oops!!" Susan giggled. "See you next year," she waved to you. You waved her goodbye and hurried off, at least she apologized.

The orchestra started to play and the feeling of dread swept over you once again. Everyone took their seats at a table, you looked around and decided you'd be better off sitting at a table by yourself. You chatted to those who passed, waved to some acquaintances and smiled at strangers. It had been an hour of awkward conversations and the feeling of dread still hung in the air so you decided to probably leave soon. The night was creeping onward and honestly you were growing quite tired. But someone changed that feeling immediately.

"(Y/N)!" A pair of voices chanted from behind you. You excitedly swung around and saw the two loves of your life walking towards you, looking more handsome then they ever had. "We've been looking for you," they said, they each grabbed one of your hands and kissed it, then let go. You blushed slightly and smiled at them.

"I was sooo lonely," you pouted, "where on earth were you?!" You asked.

"Well we were forced to be around the other Host's. But, we then had to go meet some important person ah I don't know," Hikaru giggled, sitting down next to you and Kaoru sitting on the other side. The music began to play louder, everyone stood up and grabbed the hands of someone.

Hikaru stood up and reached out his hand, "shall we?" He asked lustfully.

"No thanks," you responded. He looked at you shocked and began to sit back down until you stood up, grabbed his hands and pulled him into the middle of the room. "Only joking!" You said.

You danced for a while and then with Kaoru, switching back and fourth between the two until finally your feet ached and you were tired of tripping over your shoes every five seconds. You sat back down exhausted.

"Let's go home," the twins said in unison. Kaoru grabbed your hand and you all walked out of Ouran. It was about midnight and you were fading into fatigue.

"Carry me," you said, reaching your arms out. Hikaru picked you up and you fell asleep in his chest. You woke up in the middle of the night to find yourself in bed. You were in your nightgown which must of meant they changed you, what perverts!! You got out of bed and stared at the sky. There was a full moon. The stars were shining and the moon gave off a beautiful gleam. You heard the twins move out of bed and come up behind you. They wrapped their arms around your waist and kissed you on the cheek in sync.

"Thanks (Y/N)," Hikaru and Kaoru said in unison.

I hope you liked my story. If you did you should check out my other story "Thanks For Noticing Me". It's another Hikaru X Reader X Kaoru. Anyways I really hope you enjoyed this extremely long series. And thanks for sticking around to the end -Snail <3

Their Little Toy &lt;Hikaru x Reader x Kaoru&gt;Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt