Chapter 47- Haruhi's birthday!

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Idea by Ship_Lover_4567 thank you :))

Today was Haruhi's birthday. (Idk the date so whatever). You changed into a skirt and a t-shirt. You wanted to dress a little 'nicer' for Haruhi.

You, Hikaru, and Kaoru all walked to Haruhi's house. To your surprise, you were the first ones to her house. You handed her a card you and the twins made. She thanked you and set the card on a table. You all waited on the couch for the other Hosts.

The doorbell rang. Haruhi got up and hesitantly opened the door. Tamaki jumped on top of her into a hug.


"Thanks Senpai..." she rolled her eyes.

Tamaki handed her a gift and she set the gift next to your card.

A second later Honey and Mori entered, followed by Kyoya. Everybody left the apartment and headed to the mall. Tamaki called a limo which picked you all up. You sat next to Haruhi and Kaoru. You talked to Haruhi about random stuff and Tamaki was yelling at the twins.

You arrived at the mall and all got out of the limo.

"Let's go get some cake!!!" Honey said excitedly.

"Not now..." Mori plainly said.

"Oh ok!!!" Honey said.

"How about we look in some stores before we eat!?" Haruhi suggested, everyone agreed.

You looked in a few stores and found nothing interesting.

While you were walking in a clothing store Hikaru and Kaoru pointed out an outfit to you, smirking.

It was very... Revealing. You blushed and shook your head while walking towards the rest of the Host Club.

"So Kyoya... how are you..?" You tried to avoid the twins.

"Fine thank you," Kyoya said, sounding a bit bored.  You assumed he was weirded out by all the commoner things.

When you were done shopping you went to a fancy-ish looking restaurant inside the mall.


The sun began to set and the Host Club parted ways. Tamaki took Haruhi home, Kyoya went home, Honey and Mori went home, and you and the twins were leaving as well. You hugged every member of the Host Club goodbye and got into the limo. You sat down in between Hikaru and Kaoru. You rested your head on Kaoru's shoulder, eventually falling asleep.

I'm lazy xxx

Should I write a lemon??? Idk I feel too pure for it lolol

Their Little Toy <Hikaru x Reader x Kaoru>Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora