Chapter 59- Vacation, part 2!

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It was your first full day in Chicago. You were so exited you escaped from the twins arms and changed without them hearing you get up. You changed into a pair of leggings and a hoodie that was your favorite color. You also tied your hair up since it is windy outside. (the Windy City= Chicago, duh).

You tore open the curtains so sunlight would cover the hotel room.

"Wake up!~" You sang, skipping around excitedly. You grabbed Kaoru's arm and pulled him out of bed, catching him before he hit the ground.

"Eugh, what time is it?" Kaoru groaned, glaring at you.

"Seven o'clock! We're going to breakfast with the Host Club so get ready!!" You threw heavy Kaoru back onto the bed so he landed on Hikaru.

Hikaru groaned and pushed his brother off of him.

"(Y/N), can't they go to breakfast alone?" Hikaru asked.

"I thought it would be nice to go with them! Get up or I'll ignore you all day," you threatened.

"Fine fine," the twins said in unison, grabbing an outfit and heading to the bathroom.

You sat on the bed and waited for them to finish changing. You put on a pair of shoes that would go with your outfit. The twins walked out of the bathroom in a hoodie and pants.

"Can we go now? We're meeting in the lobby come on!" You impatiently said, pointing to the door.

"Okay okay," Hikaru opened the door and you all walked out of the room. You then walked down a few halls until you reached the lobby.

Honey and Mori were the first ones in the lobby. You found them sitting down on a couch.

"(Y/N)-Chan! Good morning!!" Honey jumped around excitedly. Mori said nothing.

"Good morning!" You cheerfully said.

"GOOD MORNING DARLING!" You heard a familiar someone yell. You turned around and saw Tamaki was running towards you, arms open. You moved away so he ran right passed you and hit a wall.

"Oh... Sorry Senpai..." you giggled.

"Sorry we're late, Tamaki was being a bit of a pain," Kyoya said, pushing up his glasses.

"Good morning (Y/N)! Are we ready to go?" Haruhi said.

"Yes!" You happily said.


You found somewhere to eat breakfast. It was really good! You got some of your favorite breakfast food. Now you were all going to the Field Museum. It wasn't a very far walk. The museum was the size of Hikaru and Kaoru's house. (Hehehe).

You walked inside and bought some tickets. You walked around for a while and looked at all the interesting shenanigans. After a few hours you left and then went to The Bean.

The Bean was fun. It was very crowded so it was hard to see but you still enjoyed it. The final place you were going to was the Art Museum. You walked around and looked at all of the old paintings. (Funny story: when I went there once there was just a canvas painted gray on display, it was strange).

Finally you went out to eat dinner at some hole in the wall place with terrible food. Nobody was in the restaurant except for you, the Host Club, and an old lady. She was the only one cooking and taking orders so the food took really long to make and was cold when it arrived. Everyone insisted on leaving but Tamaki made everyone stay. (Oh Tamaki...)


You walked into your room and shut the door. You collapsed onto one of the beds. Hikaru and Kaoru laid on either sides of you.

"Today was exhausting," you sighed.

"Yea, I'm so tired," Hikaru yawned.

You quickly changed into your nightgown and then went to sleep.

One more chapter... eh

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