Chapter 63- Dreams

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I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Something didn't feel right. I looked to my left. (Y/N) was not in bed. I assumed she got up and was in he shower or something. I opened the curtains and changed into a black hoodie and pants. Kaoru also got up and changed, he put on a white hoodie and pants. He sat down next to me on the bed.

"Where's (Y/N)?" Kaoru asked.

"Probably showering," I shrugged and stood up, Kaoru followed me out of the room. I knocked on the bathroom door.

"(Y/N)?" Kaoru asked worriedly staring at the door. I felt something wet touch my feet. I looked down and saw red liquid dripping out from under the door.

I looked at Kaoru worriedly. He seemed to of noticed the red liquid. I turned the doorknob, it was locked. Kaoru ran into the door, breaking it down.

(Y/N) was on the floor, blood pouring out of her, there was a knife in her chest. I ran down the hall and collapsed onto the bed. Kaoru followed. We began to cry. (Y/N) was the most important thing to us, and now she was gone.

"Guys?" We heard a familiar someone ask.

We both shot around and saw (Y/N) staring at us. She giggled and pulled out a fake knife from her chest.

"Haha I got you two!" She laughed. Kaoru and I ran over to her and hugged her tightly, for two minutes.

"Don't ever do that again," Kaoru said, calming down a bit.

"I won't," (Y/N) smiled.


(Y/N), Hikaru, and I were in science class. We were working on an experiment when the teacher called us out of the room. He pulled us into the hall.

"The Host Club needs you, now," the teacher scolded.

"Okay," I said, walking to the Host Club with Hikaru and (Y/N). When we got there we opened the doors. Tamaki and Kyoya were the only ones in the room.

"HOW COULD YOU?!" Tamaki yelled.

"Eh?" Hikaru and I said in unison.

"You had sex with (Y/N)!!!!!" Tamaki blushed.

"Yea because we love her!" I shrugged, wrapping my arm around (Y/N)'s waist.

"The whole school knows," Kyoya said, pushing up his glasses.

"What?!." (Y/N) freaked out.

"HOW DO THEY KNOW?!" Hikaru yelled shocked.

"We watched you!" Tamaki said.


"Yup!" Tamaki cheerfully said.


Hikaru and Kaoru bolted upward at the same time, waking you up. They were both panting and looked worried.

"What's wrong?" You asked, clinging to Hikaru's arm.

Hikaru sighed, "it was only a dream."

"Wow do twins have dreams at the same time?" You giggled.

_MaLfAy_ thank you for the ideas

Any more ideas???

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