Chapter 38- Cousins

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"Let's stay at my house for a few days!" You suggested, trying to brighten the mood.

The twins looked at each other excitedly and nodded their head.

"Okay go pack!" You shooed them off. It was peaceful now.

The twins burst into the room again with backpacks over their shoulders, "lets go!!" They said excitedly, grabbing your hands and practically pulling you out of the mansion.

Once you go to your house you knocked on the door, your butler opened it and bowed to you.

"Good morning, Miss (L/N)." Your butler said as you walked by, "we have some guests, they arrived today."

"Huh?" You looked at your butler confused.

"Your Aunt and her children are in the kitchen, you should greet them." Your butler said.

"O-okay thanks..." you said, and you headed for the kitchen.

"My aunt and cousins are my closest family so I spend a lot of time with them... But my cousins always bug me.." you whined.

The twins laughed. You opened the door to the kitchen. All 5 of your cousins were sitting at the table eating sandwiches.

"Hi," you said awkwardly.

"(Y/N)!!" Your Aunt squealed hugging you tightly, "how are you!!? Looks how big you've gotten! I uh... who are those lovely men???"

"Aunt Marge (we're calling her Aunt Marge cause of Harry Potter :)), this is Hikaru, and Kaoru. My boyfriends." Every one of your cousins shot their heads up and looked at you shocked.

"Oh... Lovely!!! So handsome!!! How about you all go play with (Y/N) and Hikaru and Kaoru!!" Aunt Marge said to her children. Each one of them stood up and followed you out of the room and up the stairs into your bedroom.

"Hi Hikaru! I'm Sasha!!" Sasha said excitedly, jumping around. She had long brown hair that was nicely wrapped in a bun and green eyes, and she was wearing a pink little dress, she is 5.

"Hi Kaoru, I'm Benny!" Benny said. Benny has brown hair and brown eyes, he was wearing black shorts and a green shirt with a race car on it, he is 4.

"Hi, Hikaru and Kaoru! I'm Coral!" Coral has black hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a blue tank top and jean shorts. She is 7.

"Hello Hikaru, I'm Jenny," Jenny has medium length red hair and green eyes, she was wearing a maroon sweater and black shorts, she is 10.

And finally Lilac, who is 12, and wearing a black shirt and jean shorts, said nothing. But she was blushing.

"Hi Sasha and Benny and Coral and Jenny." The twins said in unison.

Everyone giggled except Lilac, who's face became more pink. Hikaru looked at Lilac and then you confused.

"Lilac why don't who introduce yourself?" You smiled softly at her.

"Hi... I'm Lilac..." Lilac said nervously, twisting her long blonde hair in her finger.

She looked up at the twins, her blue eyes sparkled. Her blush darkened and then she looked down again.

"Let's play tag!!!" Benny said running out of the room.

You giggled and everyone chased after him.

You all ran out of the house and into the yard. You were called 'it' first, like always. You chased around Sasha before lifting her in the air and chanting "I got you I got you!!" This made her laugh like crazy.

You gently placed her back onto the ground. You turned around and saw the twins staring at you and blushing.

"Can you do that to us..." Hikaru asked.

"Not in front of my cousins.... Hush!" You giggled and teasingly punched Hikaru lightly in the arm. You laughed and Sasha ran over to Hikaru and slapped his leg, of course it didn't hurt but it startled him.

"I got you!!" She said and she ran away.

All your cousins were running around the yard, except Lilac who just stared and blushed, but once you met her gaze, she turned away blushing.

How strange.. you thought.

Part 2 coming right up!!! xxx

Their Little Toy <Hikaru x Reader x Kaoru>Where stories live. Discover now