Chapter 29- Fun with the Host Club!

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You stretched your arms and yawned. You rubbed your eyes and opened them slowly. You sat up and saw Hikaru on the floor and Kaoru sleeping soundly in bed.

You must of kicked Hikaru out of bed in your sleep, you laughed at the thought. You got up and grabbed a pair of clothes. You headed to the bathroom.

You slowly opened the bathroom door and then closed, and locked it. You took off your nightgown and put on your favorite outfit. You then brushed your hair and teeth, and left the bathroom.

Once you were back in he twins room you saw they had both left. But a phone sat on the bed. You walked over to the bed and picked up the phone. It was your phone.


You had received a text. From Tamaki.

You opened the text which read; (Y/N), my princess! We're on our way to pick you up, I hope you, Hikaru and Kaoru are ready~

"Eh?!" You gawked at your phone. How could Tamaki just expect to pick us up and take us away with him!?

You immediately dropped the phone back onto the bed and ran out of the room and stopped. You saw Hikaru and Kaoru walking towards you, dressed and ready for the day.

"Hikaru, Kaoru! We have to go!!" You yelled and grabbed the twins hands, quickly walking down the halls and to the front door.

"Hey, (Y/N), where exactly are you taking us?" Hikaru asked.

"Tamaki texted me saying that he was on his way to pick us up! Weird right? He didn't even ask what we were doing today!" You rambled on.

"I'm guessing if Tamaki is there the rest of the club is there," Kaoru said. You nodded your head in agreement.

'Knock knock'.

The was a knock at the door. You jumped opened the door.

"Hi!" You said excitedly.

You were greeted by the entire Host Club.

"Hey, (Y/N)-Chan!!" Honey said happily.

"Ahh hello my princess," Tamaki started, "you saw my text didn't you?"

"Yea..." you said backing away for a second, "wait a second how'd you get my number?" You asked in disbelief.

"Ahhh, Kyoya gave it to me!" Tamaki said happily.

"great.." you said sarcastically.

Tamaki began to ramble on about how great he was, "haha, we should text everyday! I'm such a good texter! And we could call each other, I love phone calls!"

Hikaru glared at Tamaki and then said, "Boss you know she's our girlfriend. You don't have to call and text her everyday," Hikaru said annoyed.

"Yea the only one who should be texting and calling her is us!!" Kaoru added.

Tamaki hid in a corner.

Haruhi laughed, "wow you sure showed him," she smiled sweetly.

"Hi Haruhi!" You said cheerfully.

"(Y/N), how long are you planning to stay with these twins?" Kyoya asked, eyeing you suspiciously.

"Hmm, I'm not sure--"

"She's staying with us forever," The twins said, a evil smile growing on their faces.

"I see," Kyoya said, now eyeing the twins.

You laughed.

"Hey (Y/N)-Chan!! Want to get some cake with me and Usa-Chan??" Honey asked.

"Sure I'd love to! I'm starving!" You said happily.

"Then it's settled, let's go find somewhere to eat!!!" Tamaki said.

i'M aLiVe. Sorry I was at my lake house for 4th of July, but I'm back now! I'll be posting a part 2 tomorrow!! xxx

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