Chapter 9- Intruders!!!

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You jolted upright. You looked around, it was just Hikaru and Kaoru. You turned to the clock that read- 3:46. You lifted the blanket over you and tried to sleep, but couldn't.

You decided to wake up the twins. You shook Hikaru and Kaoru awake.

"(Y/N)," they groaned.

"Shhhh! I think somebody is in the mansion," you said worriedly.

"That's not possible, the alarm would of gone off," one of the twins said. You laid back in bed. Hikaru and Kaoru wrapped their arms around you and you fell asleep.

You awoke in the morning to bright sunlight in your eyes. The twins were sleeping soundly at your sides. You didn't want to leave the room, after last night, so you tried to fall back asleep, but the sun was too bright.

After a while you got impatient and woke the twins up.

"I'm really scared," you cried.

"(Y/N), you're fine," Hikaru put his hand on your cheek. You felt your eyes tearing up. You seriously thought somebody had broken into the mansion.

You began to cry. The twins looked shock at your sudden emotions and tried to calm you down.

"Somebody is in the mansion," you whimpered.

"Okay okay, I'll go look," Kaoru got up and left the room. You started to cry even more.

"What if the intruder kills Kaoru!!" You cried.

"(Y/N)!" Hikaru yelled, angrily.

You looked at Hikaru through tears. He wiped the tears off of your face and looked into your eyes.

"Nobody is in the hou-" Hikaru was cut off.

Kaoru burst through the door. He locked it behind him.

"Hikaru somebody is in the house!!" He yelped, "their sleeping in the guest room!!"

Hikaru took your hand and dragged you out of the room, Kaoru behind you.

"Hikaru let go," you said, trying to escape his grasp. He let go of you, "sorry," he blushed and continued walking.

Hikaru burst into the guest room, with a angry look in his eyes.

You gasped when you saw who the intruder, or intruders were,

It was the Host Club.

"Hikaru, Kaoru, (Y/N)-Chan!!!" Honey-Senpai spun in circles.

You gaped at what you saw.

You stopped crying and stared in utter disbelief.


Tamaki looked proud as he said, "we got here at 3:45, we looked for a place to sleep and accidentally walked into your room. And we saw you sleeping with... (Y/N)," Tamaki started to blush.

"So we slept in here instead," Honey-Senpai said cheerfully.

You began nervously laughing.

"So Hikaru and Kaoru, are you two dating (Y/N)," Tamaki asked.

The twins nodded. You looked away, trying to hide how red your face was.

Kyoya began writing in his notebook, Haruhi stood in disbelief, Tamaki started yelling at the twins (who didn't seem to care one bit), and Honey-Senpai was talking to Mori-Senpai.

You decided to speak up (terrible decision.)

"You know, Hikaru and Kaoru are really sweet, and they're great boyfriends."

Everyone shut up and stared at you.

They all began to smile at you.

"You're a lucky girl," Tamaki laughed, and patted you on the head.

You were blushing uncontrollably. How could you say something so cliche?? 

You turned and saw the twins, both very red.

The rest of the day you were going to hang out with the Host Club, and you were exited about it

Their Little Toy <Hikaru x Reader x Kaoru>Where stories live. Discover now