Chapter 22- Happy Birthday to you! Part 1

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IMPORTANT-So before you begin to read, my birthday is on June 10, a day after the twins. So this chapter is gonna be your birthday. Sorry if your birthday is a different time but I thought it'd be fun so... Enjoy xxx

You were awoken by sunlight hitting your eyelids, making you groan and turn around. You were exited for a the day, but you couldn't remember why. Then you remembered, today was your birthday!

You turned back around and saw the twins beaming at you.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Y/N)!" The twins said in unison.

You smiled at them, "thank you so much," you giggled.

The decorations you had put up yesterday were gone, instead the room was filled with your favorite color balloons, and streamers.

You sat up in bed. You couldn't stop smiling, you were so happy.

Hikaru and Kaoru took your hands and lifted you out of bed. Then Hikaru carried you bridal style down the hallway. He set you down by the bathroom, where you quickly changed into a pair of clothes that were set on the counter, and brushed your (H/C) hair. You opened the bathroom door and the twins were still beaming at you.

Kaoru picked you up bridal style this time, making you giggle, and carried you downstairs, where you found a plate with your favorite food on it.

You ate the food happily, but couldn't help but feel bad. You didn't make the twins any food on their birthday. You shook the feeling away, remembering that if you tried to cook you'd probably burn the mansion down.

The twins sat on either side of you, looking at you with blushes on their faces.

"What's up?" You asked them, looking at your half eaten plate of food.

"You're so adorable when you're happy," Hikaru said, blushing madly.

"Oh, uh thanks.." you said, not knowing what else to say.

Once you were done eating you got up and began to walk back to Hikaru and Kaoru's room, but they stopped you.

"No no no! Open your present first!" Hikaru said, tugging you lightly back into the kitchen.

"We spent all night making it," Kaoru laughed.

"Oh okay," you said.

Kaoru placed onto the counter, a jar. On the jar was a paper cut out heart, colored in your favorite color. You started to unscrew the lid of the jar, when you spotted the top of the jar had something written on it, which read-'open the card'.

Hikaru wrapped his arms around your waist, and Kaoru handed you a card.

You opened the paper card, there was a long paragraph on the inside. The paragraph said-

Happy Birthday (Y/N)

(Y/N), you are the most important thing in our life. Without you, we would still be lonely and insecure. You made us feel happy again, and we want to make you happy too. Even though we have only been dating for about a month, we can tell who you are through how you act. We are pretty sure that we know you better than anyone, because we've managed to figure out just who you are by how you act around us, call it silly, but we think it's important. We can tell you are a strong, caring, beautiful girl, who works hard to achieve her goals. We also know that you love us both more than anything. And we love you more than anything too. We know you will have an amazing birthday,

Love, Hikaru and Kaoru.

You started to cry a little. You turned around and hugged Hikaru so tight he fell onto the floor. Kaoru watched you and laughed. You were both on the floor, hugging each other. And then you kissed Hikaru and stood up. You walked over to Kaoru, and jumped into his arms for a hug. You kissed him as well and continued to open the jar.

Hikaru wrapped his arms around your waist again. You unscrewed the lid all the way, and placed it onto he counter top. The first and only thing you saw in the jar was a small folded piece of paper, you unfolded the paper and it read, 'We love you'.

You turned your head around and smiled at Hikaru, who was smirking.

You looked inside the jar again, nothing. Nothing else was in the jar.

You stuck the card and the note into the jar and screwed the lid onto it.

"Thank you!" You turned around and tackled Hikaru onto the couch, and hugged him tightly. Kaoru sat onto the couch with you and wrapped his arms around you.

"That's not the only gift you know," Kaoru smirked.

"Oh?" You questioned.

"Come back upstairs in 2 minutes," Hikaru and Kaoru ran out of the room, and headed upstairs.

You sat on he couch confused.

-2 minutes later-

You jumped off of the couch. You left the room and walked up the stairs. You walked down many hallways and arrived at the twins door, which was closed.

Your heart was going crazy in your chest. You were terrified at what was going to happen, or what you were going to see when you walked into the room.

You placed your hand on the golden door knob and slowly opened the door and peered into the room.

Ha read part 2 if you wanna know what you see ;)) xxx

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