Chapter 37- Tears

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BEFORE YOU START PLEASSEE READ THIS. Just, finish the chapter. Everything is okay. You'll get back together. I thought we needed something interesting to happen. Alright! Enjoy ;)

You woke up and found no twins next to you. You assumed it'd be a normal day and got up, grabbing an outfit and walking to the bathroom. You changed, brushed your hair and teeth, and left the room. You began searching for then twins. You finally found them, in the kitchen.

"Good morning!" You said happily walking over to the twins. You smiled at them, "what are our plans for today!?" You asked excitedly.

Hikaru and Kaoru said nothing. They looked at you sadly, until Kaoru broke the silence.

"(Y-Y/N).. We need to talk," Kaoru said nervously.

"Yea, what's up??" You asked.

"(Y/N)... This just... isn't working out... I'm sorry..." Hikaru said, sadly.

"What isn't?" you felt your eyes tearing up, "what's wrong, are you...?"

"(Y/N), we're breaking up with you..." Kaoru said, a tear rolling down his cheek.

You began to cry, "what-what did I do? I can fix it..." you pleaded.

"It's not you it's just... We don't deserve you... Now please just...." Hikaru began to cry as well.

"You-you.... you're joking right??? This is a prank?? You- you...." you couldn't speak. You were shocked and scared and confused, every emotion was going crazy. You couldn't think.

"Go... Please..." Hikaru mumbled.

You ran out of the kitchen and out of the mansion. You clutched your phone tightly in your hand. You sobbed. Your whole world fell apart. You ran as far away from the mansion as you could, until you collapsed onto the sidewalk. It was so sunny and everyone seemed happy.


"H-Hikaru... what have we done!?" I cried, practically screaming.

"We made a mistake... What were we thinking, this is all our fault! Were so ignorant! Come on!!!" Hikaru yelled, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room.

"Will (Y/N) take us back?," I whispered to myself. Hikaru didn't hear me, thankfully. We ran out of the house and began searching town.


You kept on crying, nobody was around to see you. You wanted them back. You craved their love. You loved them more than ever now, when they didn't even love themselves.

About an hour passed, you eventually calmed down. Your breathe steadied, and you could see... you could see... something in front of you... not one thing.. two.

It was... the twins.

"H-Hikaru, Kaoru!!!" You began to sob once again.

"(Y/N), we're so sorry! Please take us back!!" Hikaru yelled. You hid your face in your hands, but when you heard this you looked us hopefully.

"Are you joking?" You asked desperately.

"No... we want you... We're sorry," Kaoru sighed.

"We weren't thinking. We thought we didn't deserve you because you're so amazing to us.. and we're terrible to you... and we... We don't know what we'd do without y-you..." Kaoru said, tears rolling down his cheeks.

You jumped up and hugged the twins so tightly, you knocked them over. You sobbed into their chests.

"I love you!!!!! Please don't ever leave me!!!" You cried.

"We won't.." Hikaru said calmly.

Kaoru carried you in his arms, bridal style, back into the mansion. They laid you down on their bed and kissed you all over, apologizing. You accepted their apology and you all eventually forgot about it.

I feel so bad. See see see^^ you didn't break up. I told you. I'm nice. And sorry lololol.

Their Little Toy <Hikaru x Reader x Kaoru>Where stories live. Discover now