Chapter 8-Obeying Orders

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"The first thing you must do," Hikaru spoke, "Is to, kiss us."

Your face turned bright red.

"Th-This isn't fair!" You complained.

"You have to obey us all day," the twins chanted with evil smirks on their faces.

"I'm not kissing you two," you crossed your arms and rolled your eyes.

Hikaru and Kaoru shot a look at each other. They stared at each other for a while. Finally Kaoru spoke,

"If you don't obey our orders we'll lock you up and punish you even more," Kaoru giggled.

"Fine," you mumbled. You walked over to the twins and kissed the both on the cheek.

"That wasn't so hard now was it?" The twins teased. Your face was still very red.

"Now what," you asked a little mad.

"Why so grumpy," Kaoru laughed.

You turned away, "you two are being ridiculous, you're like children, you always get what you want." Your back was facing the twins now. You heard a twin stand up, but you didn't move. You were preparing yourself for something to happen.

One of the twins wrapped his arms around you from behind. The other twin, who you saw was Hikaru, stood in front of you. He put his hand on your chin, and kissed you on the lips.

"Be a good girl (Y/N), and listen to us," Hikaru smirked, "you can't get away from us, you're our toy remember," he winked.

You shuddered.

The twins let go of you and pushed you onto the bed.

"What should we order her to do now, Kaoru?" Hikaru asked with a pouty face.

"Do you know how to bake, (Y/N)?" Kaoru asked.

You nodded. Hikaru and Kaoru's face lit up.

"We should bake cookies!!" They both yelled excitedly. You giggled at their childish behavior, and you all walked downstairs and to the kitchen.

---Time skip---

Hikaru had gotten out all the ingredients, while you and Kaoru started making the mixture. You were making chocolate chip cookies, since they were easy to make, and they tasted good.

While you were mixing the cookie dough, some splattered onto your face, you ignored it.

Kaoru walked over to you, "(Y/N), you've got cookie dough on your face," Kaoru laughed. He licked the cookie dough off your face. You blushed madly.

"T-thanks," you mumbled. Kaoru laughed again.

---Time skip---

After the cookies were done cooling off, you decided to try one. You picked up a cookie, but Hikaru snatched it from your hands, he put the cookie into your mouth.

"Hikaru, I can put a cookie in my mouth myslef," you said, with cookie in your mouth.

Hikaru laughed, "I was just trying to make you fall in love with me."

You blushed.

When the twins began to talk to each other, you grabbed their hands. They looked down at you shocked. You blushed.

"Hikaru, Kaoru..." you paused, "I-I'm in uh l-love with you t-two," you mumbled.

"What?" The twins both asked, smirking.

"You two heard me!!" You complained.

"No we didn't-"

"I'm in love with you ok?!" You yelled.

The twins smirked. "We know," they said calmly.

You calmed down a bit and hugged them both. They hugged you back.

"We love you two, (Y/N)," they chanted. And they both kissed you on the cheek.

---Time skip---

You were back in Hikaru and Kaoru's room. You sat on the bed, while the twins discussed what to order you to do. 

"You must dress up like a maid," Hikaru and Kaoru both said.

You blushed, "A-A MAID?!"

The twins smirked, "yes."

Out of nowhere the twins pulled a maid outfit out from behind them. It was very frilly and.. Revealing.

You pushed the twins out of the room and you changed. The dress was a little tight but it still fit. It exposed half of your chest, and the dress ended mid-thigh.

You invited the twins back in. They blushed. Hikaru walked over to you and rubbed you waist while hovering over you.

"Hikaru," you whispered.

"Yes?" He questioned.

"When can I take this uncomfortable outfit off?"

"When we want you to, we aren't done playing with you yet," Hikaru smirked.

You gulped, that didn't sound good.

Hikaru suddenly pinned you onto the bed, you tried to wiggle out of his grasp. The small dress was more than half way up your thigh, making the situation 10 times more awkward.

Kaoru put your head in his lap and began playing with your (H/C) hair.

Hikaru began to rub your thigh, he licked his lips.

You smiled worriedly. You didn't want Hikaru to be anywhere near your hips down.

Kaoru grabbed you hands and held you tight, so you couldn't escape.

You knew if you tried to tell them you were uncomfortable they'd just continue doing it. But it was worth a try.

"Hikaru, please stop, you're making me uncomfortable," you said. Hikaru stopped, and Kaoru let go of your hands.

You grabbed your clothes, and excused yourself from their room.

You entered a bathroom, changed, and left the maid outfit on the bathroom counter.

You entered the twins room again. Hikaru and Kaoru looked quite sad. You hopped onto the bed with them.

"What's wrong, are you guys alright?" You asked, worriedly.

"(Y/N), we're sorry, we really like you and we just, got a little out of hand," Hikaru said, not looking at you.

You brushed your hand through Hikaru's hair, making him blush.

"It's alright," you giggled, "I just don't think we're close enough to, ya know."

The twins laughed nervously.

"Really guys it's alright, I love you two," you smiled kindly.

The twins looked up at you, and smiled.

"We love you too (Y/N)," they said sweetly. You snuggled into bed next to them, and fell asleep.

Ahhh that was a long chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. xxx

Their Little Toy <Hikaru x Reader x Kaoru>Where stories live. Discover now