Chapter 41- Truth or Dare w/ cousins

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Aunt Marge convinced you to go play with your cousins. Hikaru and Kaoru came along too. You were all in the living room, sitting in a circle.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Jenny said excitedly.

All of your cousins agreed.

"(Y/N), truth or dare!!" Benny yelled.

"Uh... Dare," you smiled at him.

"I dare you to.... to......" Benny had no clue what to say, but then Jenny whispered something in his ear, "I dare you to sing!"

You pursed your lips and shook your head, "no way," you said.

"Come on!!!" Everyone yelled, even Hikaru and Kaoru.

"I don't like this game anymore," you scooted away from the circle.

You thought and thought of an excuse.

"Is that Auntie Marge calling me??? I should go!!!!" You ran out of the room.


"Hikaru, Kaoru truth or dare?" I asked.

"Dare," they smirked at me.

I blushed, "I dare you to---"

"KISS HER!!!!" Sasha giggled.

All of my sibling laughed at me.

I blushed and then twins backed away out of the circle.

"We have a girlfriend," they said in unison.

How adorable, I thought.

And with that they ran out of the room.

I silently cried in my head.


Hikaru and Kaoru came bursting into my bedroom.

"Your cousins!!" Kaoru yelled.

"How annoying!" Hikaru crossed his arms.

"What?" You asked confused.

"They wanted us to kiss that brat!!" They yelled in unison.

You sat on your bed shocked, you looked at them confused and then hugged them.

"Don't kiss anyone but me!" You giggled.

One.... more.... chapter...

Their Little Toy <Hikaru x Reader x Kaoru>Where stories live. Discover now