Chapter 27- Kidnapped- part 2!

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My art book thing is up. go look at it. I only have one drawing on it though xD

"I WILL NEVER FALL FOR A FREAK LIKE YOU!!!" You yelled, tears rolling down your cheeks.

"You'll listen to me, or I'll have to hurt you," He smirked admiring the whip.


He hit you with whip. You yelled in pain and looked at your leg, it was already bruised.

"Do you want to get hurt?" Luke smiled gently.

You shook your head.

"Good girl," he sat down in front of you, "now lets begin..."


'Call from Kyoya'

I snatched the phone from my brothers hands and immediately answered it.

"DID YOU FIND HER??!" I practically screamed.

"One of our officers saw her in a strangers arms, being carried into a house, we're sending more officers now," Kyoya said calmly.

"THANK YOU," I cried happily.

Kaoru snatched the phone from me, "What's the address, we're going to give this person a piece of our mind," Kaoru said pissed.

"(Insert random address), good luck," Kyoya hung up.

We tracked the address down on our phone, we both gasped. Luke...


"You aren't obeying me!!" Luke whipped you 3 more times.

"AHHH!" You yelped, tears falling down your face quickly.

"Kiss me!!" He yelled, and continued whipping you.

"NEVER!! I'd die before I kissed you," through all the pain, you smirked at him, getting him the opposite of what he wanted.

"YOU WILL FALL FOR ME!!" Luke yelled, and continued to hit you with the whip. But he then put the whip back onto the wall, and took out a dagger.

"I'll cut you with this if you do not kiss me, we will start by the eye.." Luke bent over you, "now, kiss-me."

You spat in his face, making him pissed. He swiped the dagger on your cheek, you began to bleed. Your salty tears stung the wound, making you hurt even more.

"LET ME GO!!" You yelled at Luke.

"QUIET OR I'LL CUT YOUR--" the door slammed open.

Officers ran into the room, fully equipped.

You began to cry tears of joy and pain.

"Thank you," you whimpered, and you passed out.


Hikaru and I ran into Luke's house, the door was already knocked down so we assumed Kyoya's family officers had arrived.

We ran into the room he was keeping (Y/N) in. I was shocked at what I saw.

(Y/N), handcuffed to the wall, and an officer trying to get her out of the handcuffs. She was passed out. She had bruises all over her arms and legs, and a cut on her cheek, she was still in her nightdress. The officers were handcuffing Luke. We ran into the room.

"You dirty pervert! I thought we told you to stay away from her!" Hikaru yelled at Luke.

Luke looked pissed at us, "I hate you..." he said through gritted teeth.

The officers took him out of the room, and into a car, and they sped off.

The officer carried (Y/N) to you, "she isn't injured badly, you can take her home," The officer told us.

I took (Y/N) into my arms, and carried her bridal style, "thank you sir," we said and then ran home.


You awoke to the ceiling you were used to, and the room you were used you.

You sat up, your whole body hurt, and then you remembered what happened. You saw the twins staring at you worriedly, and their faces lit up when they saw you awake.

"(Y/N), we're so sorry! Are you okay?!" Hikaru asked hurriedly.

"Y-yes I'm fine..." you mumbled.

"Kaoru go text everyone she's awake and okay," Hikaru said, Kaoru nodded.

You looked around the room, the birthday decorations were still up, everything looked normal.

"What'd he do to you?" Hikaru asked, and Kaoru sat back onto the bed.

"He whipped me--" Hikaru and Kaoru gasped. "And he cut me... because he wanted me to kiss him, but I didn't," you giggled a little.

The twins looked at you and smiled, "we're so glad you're okay..." they hugged you tightly.

---Time skip---

Kyoya had informed Hikaru and Kaoru that Luke was send to prison.

You spent the rest of the day watching TV on the couch with Hikaru and Kaoru. You couldn't stand the wounds hurt so much, but you were informed that they would heal in about 2 days.

Hikaru and Kaoru kissed you goodnight and you all fell asleep on the couch together.

I'm doing lots of part 2's oopsies. xxx

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