Chapter 50- Insecure

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^^above is a drawing of the three girls that approached you at the end of last chapter, they will also be appearing in a few more chapters so... :)


The twins said they'd meet you in first period, they had to go to the Host Club for some reason. That meant that you'd have to go to your locker and class alone. You began walking to your locker. The halls were surprisingly empty. You glanced over your shoulder nervously and then bumped into someone.

You backed away nervously and looked up. It was the red head girl from yesterday. She looked pissed and disgusted.

"Watch where you're walking, freak!" The black haired girl yelled.

"Where are your 'boyfriends'?!" The brown haired girl laughed at you.

The red head girl pushed you, you fell onto the ground and hit the back of your head on the tile.

"Ow," you muttered. You sat up and rubbed he back of your head. The brown haired girl began to kick you.

"How about you give us the twins, slut! Ahaha!!" The brown haired girl laughed.

"Yea, give them to us, you don't deserve them, you piece of trash!" The black haired girl began to kick you.

You covered your face. The kicks hurt, you could tell that there would be bruises there later.

The red head chuckled, "who'd want a piece of trash like you!?"




They all kicked you for a minute more until the red head pulled you up by your collar.

"Stay away from them, or you'll go through more pain, you hear me?" The red head girl said angrily, tightening her grip.

"(Y/N)?!" Tamaki yelled.

The girls ran, their heels clicking on the tiles, becoming quieter as the second passed, until the clicking was gone.

"Oh my gosh! Are you alright!?" Tamaki gasped and ran over to you.

"No, get away!" You backed away, tears filling your eyes.

"(Y/N)?" Tamaki asked worriedly, "I'll go get Hikaru and Kaoru!!" Tamaki began to run, but you quickly grabbed his arm.

"Can I please tell you what happened..." you mumbled.

"Of course," Tamaki said sweetly.

"Those girls... They said I was trash, a freak, a slut... They said I didn't deserve the twins, IS THAT TRUE?" You cried. Tears rolling down your cheeks.

"(Y/N), of course not!" Tamaki hugged you tightly, "I've never met anyone more perfect for the twins."

You sobbed into Tamaki's chest.

"Let's go find them," Tamaki grabbed your hand, and you walked away.

About 2 minutes later you found the twins in an empty hallway. Once you saw them, you let go of Tamaki's hand and jumped onto Kaoru, hugging him tightly.

They saw you were crying and became worried.

"(Y/N), what happened?!" Hikaru asked worriedly.

"(Y/N), WHATS ON YOUR ARM?" Kaoru gasped. There were 3 bruises on your arm, your sleeve must have rolled up.

"The girls! They kicked me! And they said I didn't deserve you!" You cried.

"What?!" The twins asked angrily.

"And they said, if they saw me with you, they'd hurt me even more!" You calmed down a little.

"How dare they..." Hikaru muttered.

"How many more bruises do you have?!" Kaoru asked worriedly, "do you wanna go home?"

"Can we?" You asked.

"If we have a good reason!" Hikaru said.

"Yes!" You cried into Kaoru's chest.


You were back at the twin's house.

"Can we check for more bruises?" Hikaru asked.

"Yes..." you mumbled. You slipped off the dress without hesitation, so you were only in your bra and panties.

The twins blushed and sat you onto the bed.

"Oh my gosh! They're everywhere! We have to contact the school!!" Kaoru said.

You nodded and changed into a t-shirt and shorts. You sat on Kaoru's lap and Hikaru called the school.

A few minutes later Hikaru told you that they had video footage of everything that happened, and we could go back to the school and watch it.


You went back to the school and watched he video recording. You saw everything. The kicking, laughing, mocking.

The principal called down the girls and said they'd be getting expelled.


You were back in the twin's room. You were satisfied knowing that the three girls were being expelled.

"You know what Tamaki told me earlier?" You asked.

"Huh?" Hikaru asked, sitting you in his lap.

"He said that's he's never met anyone more perfect for you guys," you happily said. You felt Kaoru's lips press against yours.

"He was right..." Hikaru said.


Their Little Toy <Hikaru x Reader x Kaoru>Where stories live. Discover now