Chapter 55- Normal-ish day

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Immediately after you woke up you called Aunt Marge. You couldn't believe Lilac would do something so mean.

Aunt Marge answered the phone, " Hello (Y/N)!" Aunt Marge said sweetly.

"Aunt Marge, the other day Lilac got into my phone and texted my friend some very weird things. She made it look like I was cheating on Hikaru and Kaoru. And I'm 100% sure it was Lilac because she kept asking the twins questions like why they wouldn't date her, and I lost my phone for a little the same day!" You frantically said into the phone.

"Oh I'm so sorry!? Are you all ok?"

"Yes we're ok now..."

"I'll tell Lilac right now! Do you mind sending me the things she sent?"

"Ok! I'll talk to you later!"

You hung up. You took a screen-shotted the texts with Tamaki and sent the texts to Aunt Marge. She flipped out and said Lilac was in trouble, and thanked me for telling her.

Hikaru woke up, "(Y/N) why are you up so early?" Hikaru groaned. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you back under the covers.

"I needed to tell Aunt Marge---" You began.

"Shhhh," Hikaru stopped you. He kissed and hugged you, "don't wake Kaoru up!"

"Sorry," you whisper-yelled.

"I'm already up!" Kaoru said sitting up.

"Oh no did I wake you up?" You giggled.

"Nah," Kaoru yawned. You sighed.

"Hey (Y/N), we should get ready for school look at the time," Hikaru pointed at the clock.

School starts in half an hour, oh no...
You practically sprinted out of the room. You changed into your uniform, swung your bag onto your shoulder and then waited at the front door for the twins. While you were waiting you put your (H/C) hair into a ponytail for the day.

The twins walked down the stairs, "(Y/N) we have 15 minutes, let's go!" They said in unison pointing to the door. You ran towards the twins, grabbed their hands and ran out the door.

You made it to Ouran just in time. You put your bag into your locker and walked to first period with Hikaru and Kaoru.

"(Y/N)!" You heard a familiar someone yell. You turned around and saw Tamaki running towards you and the twins.

"Hi Tamaki!" You happily said.

"What happened after you ran off yesterday?" Tamaki asked concerned, "I see you're with Hikaru and Kaoru so everything is alright?"

"Yup!" You smiled and explained what happened yesterday to Tamaki


It was finally the end of the day, you packed up all your things and waited for the twins at your locker. Suddenly you heard someone yell down the next hall. You picked up your bag and ran to the next hall. The voice sounded so familiar.

"Hikaru, Kaoru?!" You yelled. You looked down the hall. There, standing in the hall, was Susan.

"I thought you were expelled?!" You yelled at Susan.

"Help me, the twins are sexually harassing me, call security!" Susan cried.

You walked over to Hikaru and Kaoru, who looked shocked.

"What happened?" You muttered to them.

"I have no idea! We were going to your locker and then she came out of nowhere and started yelling nonsense! So we yelled back!" Hikaru said, a bit of panic in his voice

"Come on let's go," Kaoru picked you up bridal style and ran down the hall with you. You eventually made it out of the school.

"What a jerk," you said, "how'd she get back into Ouran?"

"I have no idea... Let's just go home, we need a good rest before Halloween," Hikaru and Kaoru said, and then smirked.

Im writing the next chapter woo
I'm not lazy

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