Chapter 53- Falling in love

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I drew the picture above^^ it's supposed to be Reader chans cousins XD

You were awoken by loud ringing noise. You slowly opened your eyes. You were in Hikaru's arms and Kaoru was back-hugging you. Your phone was ringing, someone was calling you. Hikaru and Kaoru slowly opened their eyes.

"What is that noise....?" Hikaru groaned.

"My phone..." you yawned.

The twins let go of you and you reached for your phone and answered the call.

"Hello," you sleepily said.

"Hello, Miss (Y/N), your cousins are here at your house, you should come spend some time with them!" Your butler cheerfully said.

"Okay we'll be there in an hour or so," you yawned and hung up. You collapsed back onto the bed, "I don't wanna go home," you whined.

"Oh come on," Kaoru said, lifting you up and making you stand, "it'll be fun!"

Once Kaoru let go of you your legs gave in and you fell to your knees. You then stood up and grabbed an outfit. You put on a pair of black shorts and a pale pink sweater.

Once you were done getting ready you jumped onto the bed and fell back asleep. When the twins walked back in, fully dressed and ready for the day, they sighed. You were out cold. Hikaru picked you up and carried you bridal style out of the house.

You woke up to bright sunlight hitting your eyes, and a cool breeze blowing hair into your face. You tucked your hair back behind your ear and noticed Hikaru was carrying you. You were outside and walking to your house.

Hikaru was wearing a blue hoodie and Kaoru was in a red hoodie (the hoodies they're  wearing don't have zippers). You rested your head on Hikaru's shoulder, making him blush. Once your house came into view Hikaru set you down. You grabbed the twins hands and walked up to your front door. You knocked on the door and your butler greeted you.

Your cousins were all sitting on a couch watching some Disney movies.

"Hello Aunt Marge!" You happily said, hugging your aunt.

"Hello sweetie!" Your aunt hugged you back. You let go and hugged each of your cousins.

Hikaru and Kaoru greeted your Aunt and each of your cousins, earning a blush from Lilac.

"Ok, go have fun!!" Your aunt shooed you all out of the room. You led your cousins outside. It was getting cold and your legs were exposed to the chilled air so you decided to quickly go change into some leggings.


(Y/N) ran inside to go change her pants, damn it. Hikaru and I were stuck with her cousins, how would we entertain them?

"Hikaru, Kaoru!!! Look at me!!" Benny squealed. He was on Jenny's shoulders with his arms out pretending to be an airplane. Jenny was wearing a purple long sleeve shirt and leggings. Benny was in a sweater striped blue and red.

Sasha clapped her hands excitedly, "I wanna go!!" She jumped around. She was wearing a pink shirt and a black skirt with black leggings underneath.

"Jump on!!" Coral said, as she bent down so Sasha could climb onto her shoulders. Coral was wearing a yellow sweater with black leggings and her dark hair was nicely wrapped in a bun.

Sasha jumped onto her sisters shoulders and they chased after Jenny and Benny. They were all roaring with laughter, it made Hikaru and I grin.


You ran back outside. Hikaru and Kaoru were watching my cousins run around, only Lilac stood and stared and Hikaru and Kaoru. How strange, you thought.

Their Little Toy <Hikaru x Reader x Kaoru>Where stories live. Discover now