Chapter 12- Annoying Makeup Face, Part 2

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It was Tuesday. Your least favorite day of the week. Because every Tuesday you were assigned tons of homework, but you did do your homework with Hikaru and Kaoru since they shared a schedule with you.

You were on your way to school, holding the twins hands as you walked. Not receiving as many death glares because of yesterday (you were getting used to the glares anyway).

You almost reached school when you saw a familiar someone approaching you. This time Makeup Face wasn't wearing as much makeup as usual.

"Ahhh Hikaru and Kaoru!" Makeup Face squealed, oblivious they were holding your hands.

"What do you want?" Kaoru sneered.

Makeup Face spun around and waved her hands around in an exited motion. She then grabbed Hikaru's empty hand and kissed him. You stood shocked at what you just saw.

You lost your temper. You shoved the girl away and looked at Hikaru, who was as shocked and angry as you were.

"I thought I told you to stay away from us, Freak!" Hikaru yelled, and Kaoru grabbed her aggressively by the arm.

"We belong to (Y/N)! We hate you!" Kaoru yelled at her.

Makeup Face was crying and shaking her head.

"No, No!!! You belong to me!!" She yelled.

You pushed Kaoru aside and shoved the girl to the ground.

You glared at her.

"Stay away from the twins! They're my boyfriends, get it! Don't you dare lay a finger on them, or next time you do, I'll inform the rest of the Host Club on what you're doing!!" You practically screamed.

You calmed yourself down a bit but you still had quite a bit of anger in you.

You decided to get rid of the rest of your anger.

Makeup Face stared at you while she was crying. You walked over to Hikaru and without even thinking, you began to kiss him very passionately. And then when you were done with Hikaru, you did the same to Kaoru.

This made Makeup Face cry even more and eventually she ran off.

All of your anger was gone, but you couldn't believe what you just did. You were so angry you actually made out with the twins, in front of somebody.

You became very red, but the twins just had evil smirks in their faces.

"We should do that more often," Kaoru stated.

Your face turned as red as a strawberry.

Hikaru and Kaoru both laughed.

---Time skip---

You had arrived back at the twins mansion and you sat down on the twins bed.

"I'm sorry, for.. earlier, and the kissing and.. yea.." you said extremely embarrassed.

"It's okay (Y/N), besides we kind of liked it," Kaoru laughed.

You blushed a little.

"I just didn't think I would ever do anything like that and--" Hikaru hushed you with a kiss on the lips.

"You're so cute when you're embarrassed," Hikaru laughed.

You ignored him.

"We love you, (Y/N)," the twins said in unison.

"Once it's summer we have more time to spend together, and more places to go," Kaoru said.

You nodded and beamed at the twins.

"I'm really exited to spend all summer with you guys," you laughed.

---Time skip---

It was summer now. You were officially done with your first year of high school. You and the twins have officially been dating for a week, and you were the happiest you ever were.

Hikaru and Kaoru found out their parents would not be returning for a very long time, nor would the servants, so you still had the house to yourself.


Their Little Toy <Hikaru x Reader x Kaoru>Where stories live. Discover now