62 - The Rise Of Blaze / 63 - Exile / 64 - A New Ally

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"I can't believe it! It's been ten years and finally I've had a major breakthrough!" Duran shouted, throwing his fists into the air, "They will sing praises of us all both within our Fenix Clan and amongst the other Clans of the world!"

Night had fallen and everyone had returned to their personal tents in a heightened mood. As per Rachel's request, Duran allowed her into his own tent so they could begin examing the recovered artifact.

"I'm so happy you agreed to take me along with you on this expedition even though I am so young and inexperienced. Thank you!" Rachel smiled.

"No, thank you! It was your brilliance that helped me figure out the final mysteries plaguing myself and the other archeologists for years. I couldn't have done it without you," he admitted. Without a thought he rushed to her and pulled her into a tight embrace. Immediately, Rachel's face became a bright pink as she was unable to hide her embarrassment.

"Oh! S-sorry. I got ahead of myself," Duran apologised, pushing himself away. Before he could escape, he was stopped by a gentle but firm grip of the girl's fingers on his t-shirt.

"I'm fine if it's you," she murmered, spitefully looking away, unable to stare him in the face. 

"Are you sure?" he asked leaning in closer, "I'm a couple years older than you, your co-worker and superior on top of that."

"That doesn't matter. It doesn't change how I feel," she whispered.

"Then you've asked for it," he snickered, raising her head by her chin and locking his lips against hers.


Chapter 63 - Exile

Duran Fenix - POV;

*21 years ago*

"The biggest problem is the fact that this is not ordinary blood. For some reason or the other I can only find Red Blood Cells which are anucleate and the traces of circulating cell-free DNA in the plasma are inexistant. Had all of his white blood cells been deceased there should be something there As for his RBC's... it's almost as if they simply can't die. I can't harvest genetic data or much of anything for our cause from those," Rachel explained.

"Even so, other body cells should be present somewhere inside of this sample, especially one so large. If we can just find them, we could salvage far more than we ever could have anticipated," I continued.

"Uh... yeah. Got it......" Rex mumbled. He looked at us with widened eyes and it was evident that he was now far more lost that he was before.

"Archeologists, scientists, doctors.... You two are some real over-achievers you know that? You're really meant for each other," he sighed.

"Huh? W-what do you mean by that?" Rachel stuttered.

"Ah, so you're ignorant," Rex shook his head grinning, "Anyway, you guys should take it easy at night. Just remember we're all sleeping in paper thin tents packed alongside each other. We can hear everything from our neighbour five tents away and back and it's hard to rest with the suggestive voices blaring from here."

Rachel's face became completely flushed in an instant. She swiveled to face her desk silently causing a deathly aura to fill the makeshift room. A dark shadow seemed to have fallen over her face as her body appeared to scream a killer intent with her shivering hands and the tight grip on her pen serving only to add to this effect.

"Um..... Ray? You alright?" I questioned more worried for my own sake than hers frankly for when she snapped, hell might be a better fate.

"I suggest that you not talk to me if you want to keep your identity as a man," she growled menacingly without ever looking up from the page she was scribbling angrily upon. I didn't even bother to ask what she meant by her threat either since I had a good feeling that I didn't want to know.

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