Chapter 9

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I stared blankly at the sight unfolding in the Stone. Hux was having a private meeting with the Knights of Ren. I was curious to see how this would play out, "Grant me access to the conversation." I commanded the stone.

"The Supreme Leader is incapable of maintaining order amongst the Galaxy. His brash impulsive desires for revenge and the girl have weakened the standing of the First Order." Hux reiteratesd to the Knights.

"What are you suggesting, General?" Zira Ren questioned him.

" You're suggesting that you would be more fit and capable of ruling as Supreme Leader!"

Vitani Ren remarked sinisterly.

"Of course. This is my army he is ruling, not very well I might add. The Resistance has only grown in strength and more people are reaching out to them. There is no order here, the light hasn't been snuffed out like Snoke wanted. Kylo Ren has only destabilised the First Order and our imperial position. This base replicates that of the Empire's seat of power." Hux finished his award winning speech.

"You've been planning to overthrow Kylo Ren for some time haven't you?" Zira Ren stated. She looked to Vitani Ren who kept her daggers on Hux.

"It was always my intention to become Supreme Leader. It was Kylo Ren who killed Snoke not the girl, Rey." The Knights exchanged a glance of astonishment: Vitani Ren's stature stiffened and her fists tightened. The room began to shake.

"Vitani stop!" Zira Ren sliced through to her.

"What do you want us to do about it?" A third Knight spoke up, a male, Nuka Ren.

The Stone faded black. My mind stopped for a moment. He knew...Of course he knew that I killed Snoke. How could I not see that? I should have felt something right now but I didn't. Not betrayal or anger, just a void. I felt calm. Too calm. This could work to my advantage, I thought to myself, if Hux thought I was weakening the First Order then I would, I would sabotage it, bring it all down. I could let him rule a Galaxy from the ashes. That would be my legacy. A new order!


When we arrived back on Dantooine, Poe met us at the hanger to see how successful it was.

"No one was left behind I see. Well done Rey." He boldly remarked.

"If anyone would have been left behind Poe I wouldn't be standing before you now." He took me in moving his head to the side slightly.

"Did you get everything? The food, medical supplies, ammunition?" He enquired.

"Yes. Kerra, BB-8 and myself managed to hack the system and copy some data files like you also asked. The technology they use on Vardos is very similar to that of the Empire, Poe. It's old but old wiring has been replaced with new and some of the coding is still being updated." I told him.

"How do you know all this?"

"I was a scavenger, remember on Jakku. I lived in an AT-AT. I have spent the majority of my life scavenging for parts in old imperial battleships. It's how I was able to pull this out." I fumbled in my pocket for the hard drive and handed it to him.

The Balance Between Us - A Reylo Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon