Chaper 23

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I was incredulous. The young female stray Rey had picked up said nothing. It was silent and sat huddled in the corner of the bench in the communal area. Her hair was platinum white like nothing I'd ever seen before and it was tied into two buns that sat on her scalp. She was watching Rey tinker away at the droid Kerra had bought trying to reprogram it. I watched from the shadows of the doorway keeping my distance... Observing.

"Ben make yourself useful." Rey chastised me from her position on the floor. "Hand me that wrench please."

I obliged bending down to pick up the small object and twirled it in my fingers as I strolled over to Rey. "Can this not wait until we get to Naboo?" I asked her. "You shouldn't stress yourself out."

Rey and huffed and knelt back looking at me. "I am not an invalid."

"I know but--"

"Do not use Baby as an excuse again!" Rey cut me off.

I furrowed my brows slightly. "The baby, you mean."

Rey shook her head. "I mean Baby. Just because it doesn't have a gender or form doesn't mean it has to be referred to as an object."

"Fine, Baby it is." I submitted.

"You're having a baby!" Venus chided in suddenly wide eyed and alert. Rey nodded and the small girl hopped down from her place and timidly walked over. "But you can't see it!"

Rey laughed and went red in the face, I couldn't help the tiniest of smiles edging onto my lips. "Baby is still growing, Venus. When it gets bigger, then you'll see it." Rey tried to explain to the confused child.

"Venus, why don't you go see if Kerra needs some help flying the ship." I suggested trying to save Rey the distress of explaining further. Venus nodded and patted away.

Rey put her hands out to me and I helped her up. "I can handle myself you know."

"I know you can. But you don't have to anymore."

Rey tilted her head slightly trying to gauge me. "I've always looked out for myself, it is my natural instinct, Ben and one habit I cannot easily break."

"And keeping my hands off of you is a habit I would never wish to break." Rey went red and I could see her pupils dilate.

I forgot about our surroundings, the past, present and future all melding into one as I captured Rey's lips. It was fiery and showed the brevity of the words I had just uttered to her. My mouth and lips had a mind of its own as I trailed kisses down Rey's cheek and neck. She sighed and pinched my shoulders as her body shook, "Not here, Ben." I could tell from the lust filled pleasure of her tone that she had rolled her eyes in her head. 

"Gods, there are bunkers on this ship. Please use them!" Kerra cut my assault short and I pulled away, Rey was breathless.


I hated the way my body melted into his. And I revelled in it all the same. I was uncomfortable by my womanhood and hoped we would arrive at Naboo soon, my body cried out for Ben and his touch my blood yearned to be sated by its need.

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