Chapter 10

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I peeled open my eyes. The room I was in was bright, too bright: looking around I realised I was in the medical ward. A pair of brown eyes met mine, "Poe?" My voice was groggy, gruff even, and my mouth dry. "What happened?" The lights are too bright so I lifted my heavy arm to shield myself.

"I don't know, you spaced out and then passed out. What do you remember?" His tone was full of concern.

"I don't...I don't remember anything. I was in the cantina and now I'm here." The effort to remember the events that occurred did not come. A medical droid walked in.
"What happened to me?" I asked the droid.

It began scanning me and running diagnostics, "Physically nothing happened. You're perfectly healthy. But your brain has suffered a large amount of stress in a very short space of time, by my calculations the stress occurred for two minutes but it was enough to mentally exhaust you." Poe glanced at me, puzzled, I opened my mouth to speak but I had nothing to say.

Finn stormed in as the droid left, "Rey are you alright?" I nodded yes even though I was far from that mentality. He turned to Poe who was still watching me filling me with unease, "I managed to crack the imperial code. All the files are now available for you."

A fragmented piece of a memory appeared before me and I couldn't help but ask Finn,"Is there a file for extracting kyber crystals from Ilum to use in trooper weapons?"

Finn stared at me astonishment washing over his countenance whilst Poe's mouth gaped open.

"Yes. How did you know?" The fragments began to piece together more clearly.

"I was told the First Order have been planning to downscale the weapons of mass destruction into blasters capable of incinerating people who pose a threat to the Order."

The droid rescued me by re-entering the room with a tray of refreshments. It placed the tray on my lap and I looked at the appetising bowl of soup but instantly made a grab for the tankard of water - I was parched. I downed the water which made me feel less lightheaded and by the time I had finished the bowl of soup I felt almost as good as new.

"Better?" The droid enquired. If droids could have a tone I would say this one was trying to be sarcastic. Anyways, I nodded at it as the tray was lifted away from me and placed on the side table.
"I just want to re-check your vitals and then you may go, if everything seems to be normal." The droid gestured for my arm and I willingly gave it wanting to be out of here. My eyed wondered and I saw Poe and Finn quietly conversing in the corner of the room. Poe caught my gaze and I quickly glanced away.

"I am happy for you to go but I wouldn't stress yourself like that again. The effort could have killed you." I thanked the droid heeding its warning and left with Finn and Poe at my side.

"Do you remember anything?"

"A little but it's all unclear. All I know is that I was using the Force involuntarily." I kept my head straight just wanting to get to my room and sleep.

I thanked Finn and Poe: "Maybe you should take a day off or two. Just rest and recuperate."

"But what if I am needed?" I looked at Poe. I constantly wanted to help, this was my place, my belonging.

The Balance Between Us - A Reylo Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ