Chapter 28

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My mind whirled, a stark contrast to the sight before me. Not even Master Skywalker's training could ease the distinct feeling of dread inside of me.

I had been left alone for a couple of hours now. All I had done was stand on the balcony gripping my saber in the palms of my hands tracing the intricate details. How did it all come to this?

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath; the belt on my top had become too restricting now that I had a small swell so my top just clung to me. The marble floor was cool and soft against the callused soles of my feet. It didn't bother me - I allowed my mind to open feeling the Force rush through me, guiding the extendable hands that I now had against the blades of grass, the streams of water, the bantha grazing in the meadows, the sand on the shores. My senses were widened feeling everything in perfect harmony, darkness tugging but there was enough light to counter its effects...

"Rey?" I snapped open my eyes not needing to turn to know who had approached me from behind.

"What do you want Finn?"

I heard him step closer. "Is it true?" I answered him with silence. "How could you lay with him, Rey? How could you let that monster touch you? That child, how can you even bare the thought of loving it?"

At that, I turned to him sharply my hand gripping the hilt of my lightsaber tightly. "Because I love Ben, Finn. And this is also my child. Not just his. You wouldn't understand." I trailed off meekly looking out to the lake.

"You're right. I don't understand... So help me to." Finn implored me.

I gazed at him from the corner of my eye trying to gauge his reaction. In that moment all I saw was the broken defected stormtrooper on Takodana trying to outrun the First Order, pleading for me to come with him whilst I pleaded him to stay. Had we really come so far as to have now gone full circle?

"The Force is made from light and darkness and peace means-"

"That we extinguish the darkness." Finn interrupted.

I gave him a harsh stare. "No. Peace means balance in the Force. Dark and light coexisting together in harmony. It's not as black and white as everyone thinks: the Jedi and Sith were two extremes... But Ben and myself?" I paused turning to him. "We have no place at either end of the spectrum. There will always be a pull to the light in Ben just as I will always feel a pull to the dark. We counter each other out. When we're together, everything just seems right. You ask me how I can love him after all he's done, how I could even consider loving this child? The Force brought us together, we are two halves of the same coin. Ben feels it just as I do. That is why I can forgive him!"

Finn looked at me with a glint of revelation in his eyes, understanding the more cosmic level to mine and Ben's union. "If you kill him, light outweighs darkness. And if he kills you, dark prevails... There is no balance."

"No balance, no peace." I told him solemnly.

"But surely having a child tips the scales?" Finn asked.

I chuckled lightly. "What would I know? I'm still fairly new to all this don't forget."

Finn put his arm around me and held me close. "Venus is a lovely girl. Intimidating but nice."

I laughed louder this time feeling a weight lift at being able to laugh so freely with my closest friend again. "She was a slave girl on Tattooine. But I insisted on her freedom. I love her."

"I see it in your eyes. Even," Finn paused, "Ben's." He struggled on the name but I felt grateful to him for trying to appease me. "How far along are you?"

I looked down at my abdomen and gently placed my hand on the swell spreading my fingers out proudly. "Ten weeks I think, maybe twelve."

Finn's brows pulled together in a state of shock. "You've already started to show though?"

"Yes. But it's not obvious."

A comfortable silence erupted between us. We just stood on the balcony for a few minutes devouring the picturesque view before us. I was drunk on Naboo. "Where's Ben?" I asked out of curiosity.
Finn chuckled. "I believe he is making adjustments to the Falcon."

I gasped incredulous that Ben had managed to even think about doing repairs to the miserable beauty of junk.

"So Kerra is Force sensitive?" Finn probed after another minute. Although it was more of a confirming statement.

"Yes. Ben and I are helping her understand her powers."

"She's in the best place. Hux is dead, did you know?"

"Kerra saw it and told me. That was two weeks ago, Finn." I was a bit dumbfounded that he even had the audacity to ask.

"Do you think they'll find you?"

I turned to face him and tightened my hand around the hilt again, the grip was death like now making my knuckles turn white. "Eventually. It is just a question of when... But we'll be ready."

"Good. You'll have me here to help."

I walked into my room and placed the saber on the vanity table. "No, Finn. As much as I want you here, I need you to leave."

He came forward and grabbed me. "What? No, Rey I'm staying."

I shook my head fervently, my mind already set. "You're going home to Rose and Poe and BB-8 and you are going to help the spark destroy the First Order whilst Ben, Kerra and I deal with the Knights."

"Rey it's too dangerous."

I didn't want to do this but I there was no other way. I had no other choice. My countenance went blank, vacant as my eyes locked with Finn's and my mind cleared. In an expressionless tone, I spoke clearly, "You will leave Naboo and return to the Resistance to help win the war."

Finn's face replicated my own as his posture straightened. Taking on the same deadpan tone, Finn repeated my words, "I will leave Naboo and return to the Resistance to help win the war." Like that he turned and left the room. I sunk to marble floor clutching my knees close to my chest and cried.


Footsteps sounded outside of the room. My attention peaked, I jumped up from my meditative position on the floor and went to investigate. It was Finn walking out towards the front doors.

"Finn." I shouted. But he did not hear me or even acknowledge my presence. "Finn." I shouted again. But still no reply. I reached out with my feelings and felt it, the mind trick Rey had put on him...

Something else caught my attention too. Time. Time was up. Zira Ren and Vitani Ren knew where we were and were coming for us. If we were lucky, we had a week to prepare.

My legs took off in a sprint towards the library and I burst through the doors slamming them against the walls. "They're coming."

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