Chapter 8

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I'd been up half the night. This mission had so many risks but it was necessary. I stood up from my cot and walked over to the small window. I was glad to have a room with a window even if it was small. I sat on the ledge and leaned my head against the window thankful for its coolness. I don't know how long I'd sat there with my knees pulled up close to my chest and listening to the bustle of Dantooine nightlife inside and outside the base. But before long the sun started to come up and Rose bursted into my room.

"Time to go. You ready?" I looked over at her and smiled giving a nod.

"Yes. Let's go." I climbed off the ledge and grabbed my bag and lightsaber and then followed Rose out into the hallway where Finn was waiting for us.

"Kerra is meeting us by the Falcon. I'll be copilot?" Finn informed us.

"You'll have to fight Chewie for copilot. Not up to me." I chuckled as we headed towards the hanger.
There were only a few Resistance fighters up this early in the morning. Some were dressed in training gear whilst overs were dressed in technicians uniforms.

As Finn said, Kerra was waiting by the Falcon with Chewie.
"You ready big deal." Kerra mocked Finn's nickname and waved her off

"Haha. Are you?" Finn countered. But before Kerra could respond Poe walked up to us with Snap and BB-8.

"All set. Here are the coordinates of the South Entrance Outpost on Vardos. Finn, this is the comm link. Rey don't lose anyone." I clenched my jaw at Poe's final words but nodded to him nonetheless.
I walked up the hanger and headed for the cockpit taking my seat in the pilot's chair and Chewie who woud copilot earning a groan from Finn.

"The coordinates please," I demanded to Finn who handed them to me, "Thank you." I looked down at the control panel and entered the coordinates for Vardos.
I took off and quickly made the jump to lightspeed.

"How long until we arrive?" Kerra

I swung around in my chair, "About an hour, maybe less." I told her. I stood setting the autopilot on and went to the communal area. Everyone else remained in the cockpit giving me time to meditate and prepare for the mission that would soon follow.


I landed the Falcon out of sight of the base as to not alert the enemy of our presence. Flying here in the Falcon probably wasn't the best idea considering it's easily recognisable. Plus, they hate this ship.

I could hear the group mumbling strategies to help get us in. The city near the outpost was swarming with Imperials; so much for creating a new, better order! I could hear Kerra telling the others that she could get us to the Outpost but we needed to look the part, and since the town would be flooded with Imperials we would be able to knock out a couple and take their uniforms. Chewie, of course, would have to stay with the ship. Poe was only able to provide us with one trooper's uniform that Finn would be wearing.

"I'll go change." Finn announced to the group.

"Everything cool up hear, Rey?" I turned and noticed Finn holding the uniform.

I smiled at him, "Yes. I'm just..." I trailed off unsure really of what I was doing.

"Thinking?" Finn finished for me.

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