Chapter 17

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I screamed at Rey as I watched her fall to her knees. I shot at the trooper holding the piece of shrapnel with her blood dripping off it and ran towards her. I heard Finn and Kerra on my heels screaming at her.

I reached her and feel for a pulse..."She's alive. We need to get her back Finn. Now." I watched as Kerra covered us; Finn picking up Rey gently and myself grabbing her lightsaber. We hurried back to the Falcon and Kerra called to Chewie to start for take off. Elle only just made it on the Falcon, eyes red and puffy from the loss of Wyn.

Finn put Rey on the chairs gently, "I'll stay with her. Get the medical pack and contact Poe, Finn." I saw Finn staring blankly at Rey losing his resolve at one of his...I mean our closest friend fight for their life, "Finn."

"I'll go." He said and disappeared. I sat next to Rey watching the colour slowly drain from her face, sweat starting to bead her brow.
"Here. How long till we get back?" Finn shouted to Kerra.

"Not long. Any minute now." Her voice was slightly panicked too.

I felt wet tears stream down my face; I leaned towards Rey and whispered, "Hold on Rey. Please hold on. Fight. You've always been a fighter, now fight because your life depends on it!"


"Oh my maker! What happened?" Poe raced towards us and leaned the back of his palm against Rey's head.

"She was stabbed by a trooper with a piece of shrapnel in her side." Kerra explained. I listened as Poe started barking orders to get Rey into a private room in the medical ward.

I pulled Kerra aside, "We need to go with her." I shook my head and she looked at me her face contorted in confusion.

"No. I need an X-Wing and for you to fly the Falcon to Lothal."

She pursed her lips into a straight line, "Why?"

I glanced down before looking up, "Trust me on this. Do it please? For Rey." She nodded her head and hurried to the Falcon.

I went toward the hanger and jumped into an X-Wing. "Unauthorised take off," blasted through the com and I switched it off setting the coordinates for the last known location Rey told me about.


I approached the star destroyer and hailed the ship, "What's your business here, rebel scum?" A haughty voice rang through the comms.

"I have an urgent message for the Supreme Leader." I replied.

"Very well. What is the message?" The pompous voice asked.

"No. This message I must give to the Supreme Leader in personal. Only he can hear it."

"Land your ship in the hanger and you will be escorted to the Supreme Leader." The comm ends!


I stood watching the commotion through the glass. The air fight ended some time ago, heavy losses on both sides. Something felt different, not right. There was an imbalance and it was a startling thought that I couldn't comprehend.

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