Chapter 11

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Author's note: Hey guys, thanks a lot for choosing to read this! As per, the comments and votes would really help me understand if this is any good or not!

On a different note, get your holy water ready and book your confessions as the heat is being turned up over the next few chapters! As a warning, this is my first time writing smut so if it's absolute crap I'm sorry! Anyway you have been warned, XX


I entered Lothal's atmosphere and immediately felt Ben's presence in the Force. I couldn't believe I agreed to meet him. I saw a tie-fighter not too far away from my old home, so much for being inconspicuous.

I remembered how bucolic and isolated this place was but I love it. And I basked in the melancholy feeling that sauntered through me.

I landed the Falcon on the other side of the hut and quickly scrambled down, my lightsaber at my belt and my go bag on my shoulder.

I walked around to the front and Ben was waiting in the doorway relief blantantly flooded on his face. "You came."

"I said I would. What's wrong?" I asked cutting to the chase.

"I know where you can find the Knights of Ren. I also know what the First Order is planning-" I cut him off.

"Why would you tell me all this, Supreme Leader?" I jaded in a mocking tone. Ben's eyes shadowed and I knew what I just said had infuriated him.

"Hux is planning to overthrow my rule." He said blankly and bluntly.
I was taken back, "What?" Is all I could manage.

"He's had it planned all along," He stopped and turned to walk inside the hut. I hurried in after him and grabbed his arm turning him to face me, "What do you mean 'he's had it planned all along'?" I repeated his words.

"The Knights are in the Outer Reaches recruiting slaves for the mining on Ilum." Ben completely sidetracked my question.

"Who commissioned this?" I asked him.

"Hux. The weapons are an old plan, one Snoke had but never used. Hux wanted to build a new Starkiller but I rejected the idea, the Resistance would only blow it up again so I found the old plans had Hux commission them." I was stunned and honestly didn't know what to think.

"How long have you been spying on Hux? How are you doing it?" I asked and met his eyes.

"A little over a week. The Knights found this stone that Snoke was looking for and I've been using it." Ben snarled.

"Is this the explanation you wanted to give me?" I asked coldly.

"No." He said bluntly.

"Then why did you ask me here?" I felt my own patience wearing thin.

"I owe you an explanation--"

"You've said that." I interrupted him. Ben looked at me and then down.

He took a deep breath before speaking, "I wanted to be my own person for once. Create my own rules. Be what I was meant to be. My very existence has been dictated by people and where they think my power would be best suited. Snoke used me for my power, I see that now. You helped me see that Rey. My feelings for you helped break me free of the chains that Snoke kept me in. But if I went with you to the Resistance, the same thing would have happened: I would just be another puppet on a string. I didn't want that. I wanted to help you see that the Resistance would do the same to you. That this power we have, it can be exploited by the people that surround us. But I also see that this past year has been empty without you in it Rey. When I was Crait, I had told Luke I would destroy you. I could never do that, I was too angry at you and the Galaxy for making me feel the way I do." He stopped talking.

The Balance Between Us - A Reylo Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon