Chapter 14

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I woke up feeling sick. It had been a little over a week since I last had contact with Ben. The melds could come sooner though as Poe was harassing me for information that I couldn't give. Not yet at least.

I walked over to the counter and poured myself a glass of water and eased it down my throat to settle my stomach. The Resistance was overwhelmed with training and preparations to disrupt the launch of the Imperium that rest was harder to get.

"Rey?" I turned towards my door but there was no one there. The voice sounded strained but it was coming from inside my room.
"Rey?" It shouted louder. "I am sorry. No. Please...Rey?" My eyes darted around the room adjusting to the light: I finally saw Ben rolling around on his bed...or my bed, I couldn't tell as my bed was where the connection was.

"Ben. Wake up." I gently shook him, his chest was glistening with sweat.

"Stop. I don't want to." Ben continued to fight me. I shook him harder, "Ben you need to wake up. Its just a dream." My hands shook him once more before he opened his eyes.

"Rey?" His eyes showed terror, blind terror and then softened when he met my face.

"I'm here. It was just a dream." I cooed him snuggling to him tightly hoping the meld wouldn't break.

"I think I am losing my sanity Rey." I gave a small chuckle. Ben lifted his eyes to me, "You're not. I get night terrors too." I told him honestly.
"I've had them for as long as I can remember but they don't occur as much anymore." I looked down at him, his eyes were so much softer.

"I used to avoid sleeping. I would just meditate to keep the terrors at bay. Every time my eyes closed I would be met with the same memory: Luke standing over me contemplating murder. I was so afraid. My parents had left me with my uncle so that I could learn. The only lesson I learnt is that family bring you nothing but pain and betrayal. And now when I sleep, I see you, Rey. I am afraid of hurting you... Of losing you." Ben's eyes glossed over as his voice trailed off. I leaned in to kiss him. It was soft and warm but full of need, Ben's need for me.

"You won't hurt me." My finger traced the scar on his face, "And you will never lose me!"

We laid together in our bond for a while. Me hugging Ben close giving him security. "Is there anything you can tell me?" I asked him.

"There is a secret base on Corellia. The old flight academy have tie fighters, splicers and silencers. If you can destroy it then you weaken the First Order's flying squadron." Ben's voice was laced with fatigue.

"Thank you." I told him as I fell asleep in his arms.


People zipped by me as I watched the base on Dantooine come to life. Rey hadn't been in contact with her source for over a week. I needed information.
"Yes hopefully she will have information soon, buddy." I told BB-8 who siddled along beside me.
He beeped, "I know. Go find Kerra and tell her to meet me in the control room." BB-8 obliged and rolled away in front of me.

My feet strolled around the base, my face often flashing smiles.

Lieutenant Konnix walked up to me, "Poe we've just received word from our allies in the Outer Rim that Kylo Ren is overseeing the final phases of the Imperium. Also, General Organa is sending more allies to the base. They should be here within a few hours."

The Balance Between Us - A Reylo Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ