Chapter 29

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I stood on the shore line of the lake beneath the lake house. It was dawn, the first light of a new day, for a new era of life - it was perfect.

My body was racked with nerves. In the pit of my stomach, I felt a deep fear different from the usual fear of failure and abandonment. I rung my hands together nervously making them clammy. I had no need to wear gloves anymore so it was odd to be without them.

"Are you okay, Papa?" I looked down beside me and saw Venus stood close looking up at me. I nodded and gulped. The doors creaked open and Venus gasped.

I turned and saw Rey gliding across the sand, Kerra flanking her. Rey wore a beaming smile on her face and her dress made her look radiant, a princess... No a goddess! Her dress was ivory silver and wrapped around her. It was simple in design, yet magnificent and spoke volumes of who Rey is.

I felt my body flush, completely enamoured by her just like the first time my eyes laid upon. Except tonight, I could call her mine in the sight of the Gods. Venus coerced me into doing something overly romantic for Rey telling me over and over if I didn't she would make my life hell. I warmed to the idea and knew Rey would adore the surprise I had waiting for her.

Rey approached me and smiled. We turned to the pastor who said, "Before the sight of the Gods, you have chosen to make a solemn vow to each other. Say the words!"

I turned to Rey who faced me. In unison we recited the words: "I stand here under the heavens, made bare to our Gods, to the maker and swear to be honest to you, love you and guide you until my last undying breath... This I vow."

The pastor gently placed Rey's hand in mine and pulled off from his neck the red cloth - it was a thin strip of ribbon, red silk like blood and began winding it around our hands, binding them.

"With this thread, I bind your two souls together, the red of your blood as it becomes one. Before the Gods, you are one and I proclaim it so on this day."

The nerves inside of me settled and diffused. Not only were we bound together in the Force, we were now bound before witnesses, even if it was only Venus and Kerra. They were two of the most important people in our lives, and soon two more would join us. I only hoped the Knights would not deprive me of that future.


Ben was happy, I could see it, feel it. A true happiness he had not ever really known. But there was something else in his eyes, a shadow of thought, contemplation about our future. I realised this shadow in his eyes was worry - Ben had reason to worry now and it scared him, more than he would care to admit.

Kerra and Venus walked forward and placed there hands upon mine and Ben's bound ones. The pastor looked at them sternly and said, "As witnesses of this union, do you swear before the Gods that it has occurred on this day?"

"We do."

"Good." The pastor turned to Ben, "Ben Solo do you have a ring to seal your bride to you?"

"I do." Venus handed him a small silver ring and he took my hand that wasn't bound to his and placed the ring on my fourth finger. "Rey, this ring is a symbol of my love for you, ongoing and endless. An eternity of compassion as long as the Force binds in this life and the next."

I smiled at Ben and gazed at the simple but elegant ring. The pastor turned to me, "Rey of Jakku, do you have a ring to seal your groom to you?"

Taking a shaky breath, I spoke. "I do." Kerra handed me the other silver ring, it was darker in colour almost grey. "Ben, this ring is a symbol of my love for you, ongoing and endless. It binds us as one entity and not two, just as the Force has willed it to be." 

"Then as an earthly representative of the Gods, I seal this union." The pastor announced.


"Where are we going?" I asked Ben as he guided me somewhere I couldn't see. He had blindfolded me telling me over and over it was a surprise. I didn't like surprises though, they led to bad events and death.

"Relax." Ben whispered in my ear; his hot breath danced across my skin, tickling it and filling my body with a lustful heat.

I smiled and giggled, "How can I relax when you do that?"

I can do a lot more...

I gasped at hearing his voice in my head. It was like a soft kiss had been planted on my temple, tender and sincere. His hands fell to the gentle curves of my hips and he pushed me forward slightly. "Open your mind, Rey. Tell me what you see!"

The Force rushed through me and I felt for my surroundings, it was united - balanced. A grey energy encasing all organisms on the planet. And in the centre was us, Ben and me, pulling the light and dark together fusing it for the Galaxy to be at peace. I could feel the earth, the grass - each individual blade stroking my feet and ankles. The wind caressing me and the salt on my lips from far off seas. "I see everything. The Force united by us, a peace and harmony."

"That is what I saw when we touched hands." Ben whispered to me.

It felt as if we were walking forever before we finally stopped. "We're here."

Ben's hands glided up my body, through the silks of my dress, heat prickled where his touch had been. His hands fumbled on the knot of the blindfold. The light was so bright I had to blink a few times before my vision restored.

A gasp left my lips. A fur rug was spread on the grass, a picnic basket on one corner and a few other less affluent throws lined the furs. There cushions too. A small lake and waterfall to the east and to the west, a small cottage. It was stunning, tranquil and mesmerising.

"I wanted the Gods to be our witness tonight. Just as the Force has commanded us to be." Ben told me turning me to face him.

I took his face in my hands and pulled it to mine catching his lips with my own. It started slow but grew deeper, yearning and hunger taking hold. "This is beautiful." I thanked Ben in earnest. I walked backwards onto the rug and allowed myself to fall gently with Ben following.


Rey's head leant on my bare chest as my finger traced circles on her back. She looked up at me, kissing her way up to my lips. "How long can we stay here?"

I chuckled trying not to be too arrogant at the fact Rey enjoyed her surprise. "Two days."

"Only two?" Rey questioned resting her head on my shoulder. "I'd like to stay here forever."

I looked at her, "And leave Venus with Kerra? To fend for themselves."

Rey sat up abruptly pulling a throw around her nude self. "We could bring them here, the Knights--"

"Would still find us. We cannot outrun them forever, Rey. Nowhere will ever be safe as long as Zira and Vitani live." I was befuddled at how naive Rey was being.

She frowned, the little creases in her forehead drawing together. "Then we kill them." Darkness had begun circling her aura, it was her hormones - they had been irate ever since.

I nodded gently and tucked my hand between her thighs. "But not today."

The Balance Between Us - A Reylo Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt