Chapter 21

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Shadows engulfed my eyes as I slept. Figures shrouded in darkness - figures I'd seen before like so many others.

"Where is the Supreme Leader?" A girl with fair hair shouted at the haughty ginger general.

"He left the Imperium four days ago after receiving a personal message from a Resistance fighter."

"The Stone, General. Did you bring it?" The haughty general nodded handing over a small object.

"What do you see Zira?" The fair haired Knight asked her comrade.

"I see him. Kylo Ren." The other Knight, Zira reported. Her expression darkened, the energy around her darkening and the fair Knight becomes unstable.

"Where is he?" She demanded.

"He's with her - that Jedi, the one we encountered on Lothal." The air became thick with emotions betrayal, confusion, anger, loathing...

"The one that killed our brothers on Fondor." My eyes beheld the General who was slyly walking back. "Stop right there General Hux." The fair Knight becomes belligerent holding her arm outstretched holding the General, Hux anchored to the ground.
"You let Kylo Ren leave the Imperium." Terror, I could sense fear radiating off the General.

"I had never suspected him to be a...a...trai--" He stopped, eureka! Realisation washed over him.

"All the attacks, unprepared bases," The Knight began, "Traitor!" She screamed and the room shook. The walls cracking with the dark energy. The other Knight ignited her lightsaber spewing blood red fire and striked the General in her atomic rage.

"Find him, I want him found and killed." The atomic Knight shouted and strided up to the empty throne and sat in it like it was always meant for her.

My head pounded as I jerked awake. My covers kept me cocooned so I shrugged them off and swing my legs over the side of the bed. The visions, I see new things every night but this made me feel terror. It was dark, beyond dark. I pulled on my overalls and made my way out of the room. It was time I told someone about this so I headed to the only person that I knew could help me.

The base was still empty. Officials and technicians lined the ghost halls every so often. My legs practically jogged around the winding corridors in the natural light until I found the room I was looking for. I knocked on the door lightly but with enough force to be heard. There was no immediate answer so I knocked again, "I'll be there in a minute." A voice answered and shortly thereafter the door opened.

"Kerra?" Rey beheld me with a confused look, "Is everything alright?"

"No. Actually can I talk to you?" She nodded her head and comes out of her room closing the door behind her.

"I'm going to the medical ward so we can talk whilst we walk." I nodded nervously. Rey looked better. Well, better than before but still looked pained. That much was painted in her eyes. "What's wrong?" I kept my head straight, my posture stiffening as I tensed.

"Lately," No, that's not right, I think to myself, "For as long as I can remember I've had these dreams--"

"Dreams?" Rey repeated.

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