Chapter 16

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Kerra and I sat in the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon, Chewie was in the communal area resting for awhile. I stared at the white streaks of light speed, the beauty and tranquility of it. The lights flying by in hues of blue and white merging together, mesmerising.

"How long until we arrive?" Kerra asked separating my thoughts from my mind.

I looked at the controls with the coordinates, "Another four hours. The fleet are behind us still?"

Kerra spoke into the comms and a choir of responses echoed.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I turned to Kerra, her ginger hair was pulled into a side plait, her blazing green eyes somber and her knees pulled deeply into her chest as she rested in the copilot seat.

"Yes. There is a clear serenity about lightspeed and the stars stretched out." I felt detached, tired still but I was well enough rested to not feel the ache of fatigue in my muscles. I could fight. I would fight for the Resistance, for freedom, for the spark and hope of others. To bring balance to the Force. To bring a new peace. A peace that looked like the serenity of the stars in lightspeed.


I paced the bridge of the completed dreadnought. Less than a day now until it was launched. The anticipation of this was driving my anger senseless. My head snapped up when I saw Hux walking towards me.

"The Resistance will try to attack the dreadnought General. I want everyone on high alert." The lines were blurring for me, keeping up the facade that I was still Kylo Ren fuelling my darker tendencies. But then I would think of Rey and I could feel her pulling me out of the dark hole I was drowning in, bringing Ben Solo into the Light.

"Yes, Supreme Leader. I have the very best troops on Fondor under the command of the Knights you requested." Hux's expression remained loathsome.

I had used the Oracle Stone for the past few weeks spying on him, gauging his plans. Listening to his intent, Hux ruled the armies, but I ruled the Galaxy. Temptation struck me all of a sudden: I reached into his mind unnoticed. I could feel his desires, power and gluttony. I observed different memories open and close but I stumbled across one I didn't expect to see: Hux stood over my unconscious body in Snoke's blazing throne room. He reached for something at his belt but quickly removed his hand and pulled his coat to cover it as I jolted awake. Ah! His hatred and inner most desire to kill me and claim his rightful position as Supreme Leader. I pulled out of his mind still unnoticed.

"Make sure the squadron of pilots are prepared for air attack." I demanded him, he obliged and I quickly dismissed him. He waltzed away with an authoritative stance, hands right behind his back. The bridge went back to normalcy and I turned to bark commands once more.


The fleet jumped out of lightspeed and Fondor was immediately in my view. Chewie grumbled to me and Kerra gasped from the seat behind mine.

"Yes, Chewie. I see it." The Imperium. It loomed over Fondor, massive and large. The same size as the Supremacy but less triangular. The cannons were visible under the ship and the surface cannons could be seen.

"What powers that thing?" Kerra enquired.

Finn and Rose walked in, "Synthesised Kyber crystals." He informed us.

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