Chapter 32

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Author's Note:

Wow! Hit 4K, thanks guys, it really does mean a lot.

I'd really love to hear more of your thoughts about the story, so please don't be shy and comment!



"Wait upstairs!" I told Rey sternly.

Her eyes flashed defiantly, "No, I am staying with you."

I grabbed a hold of her arms firmly but with enough ease as to not harm her. "For the sake of our child, you will wait upstairs." I hadn't found it within me to tell her we were having twins - I supposed a part of me wanted to surprise her, but I knew deep down that a bigger part of me hadn't absorbed this fact.

"Rey!" I implored her again, "Do not make me ask a third time!"

I could see my words sinking into her, it all jumped back to the argument we had after she found out. The cogs in her mind turning and emitting a guilt ridden energy within her force. "I won't." Rey yielded after a long silence. I nodded. "But, if you need me, please let me help you."

"I will. Now go." I told her. My eyes trailed after her as she half ran up the stairs to our room.

It seems it was just in time, as moments later, the doors flew open and in flooded Zira and Vitani Ren. I could hear them drawing closer, "Check upstairs. The Force is strong here."

My heart plummeted as my eyes trailed after the sound of footsteps in conjunction with the order. I waited in the study knowing whoever would find me, could find me with ease.

I felt oddly calm, even if this was to be my come-uppence, my doom, my atonement. The only string of regret in my essence was that I would never see my family grow.

Ben? I heard Rey's tender voice echo across the bond into my mind.

Yes, Rey?

Come back to me. Promise me you won't abandon me like everyone else I have ever none in my life!

The sheer timbre of worry in her voice broke my heart in two - I didn't want to leave her... Ever! I promise.

A new vibe of energy crossed into me. The will to survive and complete what my Grandfather started: to watch his family grow and love them and protect them, always.

"Hello, Master!" The voice was cold and silky, almost velvet. I carried on staring out the window. "I know you what you did, Our Supreme Leader, murdered by you. For what?" She questioned sarcastically, I focused on my breathing, trying to keep a level head and not act rash, she was trying to goad me into reacting first.

"Do tell me how Supreme life is treating you, Zira?"

She laughed coldly. "I should the same of you. Although, the Oracle Stone shows me exactly what I want to see. You, the Resistance, that Jedi whore!"

I turned sharply and gripped her throat using the Force. "And there it is," She began, "Kylo Ren's weakness... a nobody from nowhere... Nothing." She wheezed out. 


I could hear the voices as soon as the door had been smashed into. My hands were clammy, even though Ben and I had been sparring regularly, I still felt slightly weak from my injury. And being pregnant didn't help either...

I clutched the hilt of my double blade lightsaber as if it were my lifeline. Footsteps sounded on the stairs, heavy and clunky suggesting boots.

BANG! I jumped as a door was kicked in. 

BANG! It was coming closer.

"I know you are here, Little Jedi. Come out and face your destiny, face your death with dignity or die like a coward." A cold voice boomed around the corridors - feminine. 


I breathed in deeply, feeling apprehensive, it wasn't for my safety but for the safety of my child.

BANG! The last door opened and the sound of a lightsaber activating and slashing through items erupted. "I won't let anyone hurt you, I promise." I whispered to the small swell of my abdomen.

"There you are." The voice cooed maliciously. Looking through the dim, I saw a tall feminine stature, armoured in black and chrome: the helmet had been removed revealing a woman of fair skin and blonde hair, her eyes were purple and ringed with black spots. "It will be an honour to extinguish the Jedi Order for my Master."

"Your master is dead." I countered. "He is no more, Ben Solo killed him."

The Knight gave a snide laugh. "He killed him for you. I can't understand his compassion for you, a nobody."

"And you never will!"

"He is weak, Kylo Ren was never weak. Not until you came along."

I grew tired of the infernal woman, she was stalling for some reason, trying to goad me. "Enough. You didn't come here to talk."

"Quite right." She came at me full pelt, a wicked grin plastered on her face as if the idea of a fight and killing gave her a thrill. A true emissary of the Dark Side...


"Why can't we help them?" Venus asked me for the hundredth time at least.

I looked at her sadly. "We have to keep you safe. Now, practice your Alderaanean alphabet for Ben."

"Yes, Kerra." Venus went back to the parchment Ben had drawn out for her and given her. He had been teaching her the languages and histories of Alderaan before and was intending to teach her Mandalorian next. That was if he and Rey survived.

I heard the rumble of a ship landing just outside the cottage. Venus and I both looked up. "Stay here." I told her firmly and ushered her under the table. I took my blaster and vibrostaff to the door and looked out of the small window; the ship was not First Order. My hand tapped the sensor and the door slid open. I held my blaster in the defensive position, "Who are you?"

"No, no, no. Don't shoot! It's me."

I looked over the weapon at the approaching figure and breathed a sigh of relief, "Finn." 

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