Chapter 1

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I kneeled in the small control room on Crait and felt her again. I could see her standing by the hanger door to the Falcon. I stared straight into her as she did the same to me. I watched the hanger door close, never once breaking this stare... Until she disappeared! I held my father's dice in my hand and watched that too disappear. I was alone!

I stood up and began slashing at the controls boards with my crossguard. I let out a thunderous scream, the anger running through me. Abandoned! The swing of my arm brought the saber crashing down through the metal. It was as unstoppable as I, but this feeling of betrayal didn't easily flee from my raging soul.

I felt broken and torn. Why couldn't Rey see I had done this for her?


I couldn't read the emotion in Ben when I closed the hanger door. My feelings are unclear as well in all honesty. He chose to save me. That was the light in him, that was Ben. But the light then faded, and a lust for power replaced it. His hurtful words had caught me off guard: "you're nothing. But not to me." It's what he said when he reached his hand out to me. I had never felt so conflicted. I wanted so desperately to take his hand and help him. To stand with him, but ruling the galaxy from a place of darkness would destroy it. I want to find my place. In the light.

I turned around to see Finn pulling a blanket up to cover a girl, her name is Rose. It seemed like he's been busy, worn down perhaps, but a genuine and relieved smile beamed from his face. I'm happy for him, But I can't help feeling a small pang of envy inside. I could use a smile like that, to keep me safe. A voice lured me from my thoughts. "Hi. I'm Poe." The pilot said with a beaming smile, just like Finn's which made me grin too. "I'm Rey." I replied shaking his hand. "I know." He continued to smile broadly at me.

I walked over to General Organa and sat next to her. Something twitched in the Force. No. Not something, someone. Luke. "He's gone. He died peacefully and full of purpose." My lips formed a ghost smile and I took Leia's hand. I felt sorry for her. She's lost Han, Luke and Ben. I could still feel how conflicted he is, hope remains. "How are we gonna rebuild the Resistance?" I asked Leia whilst I held the broken hilt of Luke's lightsaber. "We have all we need here." Leia gestured to the broken saber and looked around the room at the few people who existed for the Resistance.

I stood and walked round the winding corridors of the Falcon, I couldn't breathe any longer in the communal area. I walked into the control room and sat with Chewie for a while; I noticed that the coordinates read a location I haven't heard of before. "Where are we going Chewie?" I looked at him. "An old rebellion base, Rey. That's all you need to know." I turned my head to Leia stood behind me, Chewie roared at her in agreement. "You should get some rest." I nodded at Leia and dismissed myself from the cockpit. I strolled to my quarters and began tearing through the metal floor panelling. I gazed at the eight Jedi texts momentarily before picking one up and sitting on the floor, the cover read Journal of the Whills. I opened it to the first page and began to read the passage as best I could:

'First comes the day
Then comes the night.
After the darkness
Shines through the light.
The difference, they say,
Is only made right
By the resolving of gray
Through refined Jedi Sight.'

I read until I felt the heavy tide of sleep pull me under.

I walked up the steep steps. Little brick huts lined the rocky terrain. I saw him standing at the cliff edge as I held his lightsaber out to him. Our surroundings changed. 'You've seen this place.' The old Master cooed to me. 'Only in dreams.' I responded taking in the full beauty of the cave and the island of Ahch-To. 'Who are you?' he enquired me. 'I am no one.' The beauty of the cave is suddenly replaced by the darkness of another cave and hundreds of Me clicking my fingers. "Let me see them, my parents!" I begged the mirror. Everything went black and then I was there: The throne room on the Supremacy, the room looked just how it was, Snoke's body lyed at the foot of his throne split from the torso. 'You have no place in all of this. Your parents sold you for drinks money. You're nothing...' A silence. 'But not to me.' I watched as he stretched out his hand to me, 'Ben please don't do this.' The scene changed again, not completely as Ben and I are caught fighting for Luke's lightsaber. It splits and a jarring sound and blaring light radiated through the Supremacy. I'm thrown back by the Force of it all and blackout.

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