Chapter 3

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...12 Months Later...


I was stood overlooking the training of the new troopers. There wss a glass screen between myself and the new recruits; it reminded me of the second time Rey and I communicated. I feel empty inside. Three months had passed without feeling her presence or seeing her. Thinking about her only fueled my anger, I welcomed it gladly as opposed to this emptiness. I clenched my fists tighter at my sides. The anger quickly passed and the emptiness returned.

I heard the door open and footsteps approaching from behind. "It has taken twelve months, Supreme Leader but the Knights have finally been tracked down. They await you in the throne room." Hux stood next to me and looked at me. I kept my head looking forward at the anarchy below.

"It's quite the spectacle, new recruits training, the new base will be operational within the next few days." Hux had learnt that my silence is the only answer he will get. I turned to leave to make my way to the throne room, all of this would have been so much easier if Rey had taken my hand when I killed Snoke.

No, I thought to myself. Rey would have used her compassion to manipulate me, rake up the past, my old self, Ben Solo.

The officers and troopers I passed kept their heads down and a safe distance away from me. I rounded a corner and reached the door to my throne room. The door opened and I walked through keeping my eyes straight exerting my authority. The Knights, my Knights, knelt before me as I turned and sat in the throne. I gestured for them to rise and they did so.

"Supreme Leader. We are honoured by your presence." The voice behind the mask was unmistakable, Zira Ren. She gestured to her mask asking for permission to remove it. I nodded before speaking. Her eyes are ringed with shadow and her blood red hair pulled back into a messy single bun.

"I take it the mission was a success. " I barked to Zira Ren through bared teeth.

"It was. But -"

I gripped her neck using the Force. "But what?" I felt a sudden tightening around my own throat. My eyes skimmed over to Zira Ren. It wasnn't her. I looked to my right and saw another Knight choking me. I pushed them back releasing myself before releasing Zira. There was only one Knight other than Zira who would ever defy me - Vitani Ren.

"But we came across a complication, about four months back." My head snapped up. Vitani Ren removed her mask without asking my permission, defiant as always. Her fair hair was cut short and wild.

"A small band of Resistance fighters intercepted us on Lothal." She paused.

"Lothal? Resistance fighters?" I knew they would have regrouped but Lothal? Why there?

"Yes. That's not all though." Vitani met my eyes.

"The fighters were led by a female Jedi." Rey, My eyes flashed with anger but my heart felt remorse and longing - always feeling conflict.

"What happened to her?" I spat out, but only just.

"She got away. We've never encountered her before nor do we recognise her from the Academy." Zira spoke up.

"You wouldn't. She never went to the Academy." I looked away from the Knights conflicted by relief that Rey wasn't hurt and anger that they let her go.

"You know her, Supreme Leader?" I took a minute to think about this. I should tell them I do but I didn't want to.

"No. She was the disturbance that was felt a year ago, I know it."

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