Chapter 31

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Something wasn't right as my eyes surveyed the battle on Coruscant. The two Knights stationed here were slaughtering whosoever crossed their paths. Resistance and First Order alike.

Poe had ordered me to lead the battalions into battle here as commander after Leia's attempt to sue for peace went amiss. Thankfully, she is still alive... For now!

My mind still reeled from Rey's betrayal. It wasn't a betrayal per se but to use a Jedi mind trick on me was low. There was no way in hell that I'd have left Varykino willingly and she knew that. I had been fuming when the effects finally wore off... And all Rose wanted to know was what Kylo 'Ben Solo' Ren was like!  

Again, I felt the nagging in my stomach - the urge to run was there, I wasn't a born fighter. I was conditioned. Trying to outrun your past won't work - you only spin yourself a bigger web and eventually, you cannot even get out of them. The past always catches up to you, they say - well, I have faced it.

My legs felt the urge to turn and sprint for the jumpship. But my heart told me to wait it out a bit.

It was a river of blood, from the citadel to the old Jedi Temple. Bodies, First Order and Resistance alike, were spewn across roads, pavements. Anything. Smoke rose into the sky and ash fell down - the sky, once blue, was now an inky colour. An odour of burning flesh and materials stung my nose. To breathe was to kill a cell of your lungs. Debris from ships, Ties and Wings alike, buildings, roads and other meaningless infrastructure was scattered from here to there. On the odd occasion, I spied citizens and their transport, dead or dying amidst the anarchy - collateral in a war that had already cost the lives of many millions so far...

"Finn... Finn? Do you copy?" Blared into my ears causing my body to jerk in response. It took me several seconds to realise I had been immobile for some time whilst I got lost deep in thought.

I tapped the device in my ear and spoke into the one attached to the inside of my jacket. "Yes, Poe I copy. Is Rose okay?"

"What? Of course Rose is okay. What about you buddy, what's going on down there?" Poe asked, his tone stressed and agitated.

I rubbed my temples and had mere seconds to move for cover behind a fallen ship. It wasn't ideal but it would have to do. "A blood bath. The Knights are killing mercilessly. Both friend and foe. There's only two of them, Poe!"

Silence emitted for a short time. "Where are the other--"

I cut Poe off suddenly realising exactly where the others were. "Rey and Ben! Kerra. Oh Gods!" I exclaimed and took off for the nearest ship - something to fly me away from here.

"Finn? Finn? Finn?"


I paced mine and Ben's room cradling the small mound on my abdomen. This couldn't be happening...

Yet, it was!   

he smooth marble surface of the floor was cool against my bare feet. I hadn't bothered with my boots for a while whenever I was here. My hair was down, hanging just past my shoulders now and I wore a simple grey night smock, similar in colour to my attire on Achc-To.

Kerra had taken Venus away to the cottage earlier this night. I had been restless for hours - how Ben could sleep through this I didn't know. 

Fed up of pacing my dark room, I followed my feet down the stairs and out the drawing room doors to the shore. The sand was damp and cool as I wiggled my toes deeper into the particles. They shone in the moonlight and the lake appeared as sparkling gems as the moon refracted and reflected. The rolling hills loomed like shadows, gentle giants.

I walked closer and dipped my toes into the soft waves. They foamed around my feet. I held myself tight and rolled my head back closing my eyes. Clearing my mind, I stretched out my feelings and felt for the Force threading its way through every living and dead organism on the planet.

Peace... Oh, there was so much peace. And harmony, unified balance. Some areas greyed more than others within the Force, but there was no more tug-of-war than needed to be.

The further out I stretched, the more I could feel other events off planet and beyond. I could feel the darkness coming - the Knights of Ren. This was simply the calm before the storm...

Arms wrapped around me and hot breath tickled my neck. "It's late." Ben's voice was gruff from sleep.

I smiled, my eyes still closed and my head now leaning on Ben's shoulder. "I couldn't sleep."

"Is it Baby?"

I shook my head as best I could. "No, the Knights."

Ben turned me around gently, forcing me to open my eyes and look at him. "I will not let them hurt you. Or our family!" Ben promised me.

I dropped my gaze to his lips and traced his scar with my finger. "I can handle myself."

Ben rolled his eyes. "You don't have to anymore."

"I have known loneliness all my life. And then I get sucked into all this and thrown into a mess that I never wanted to be apart of. Handling myself has always been something within my capabilities, even with the Force. I don't want it to be taken away from me, not really." I told Ben softly.

He pulled me into him, my cool face plastering itself against his soft warm chest. "I know." He breathed into my hair. "I know."

I pulled out and looked at his lips before capturing them with my own. I wanted him, if it would be, Force forbid, our last night together. I wanted him now.

My tongue swirled around his mouth whilst my fingers toyed with his manhood through his night trousers. I could feel Ben's body respond to me in every way I wanted.

I felt his hand clamp around mine and pull it away gently. "Eager?" He raised a brow.

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment, I wasn't completely accustomed to this yet. The confidence wasn't there but I loved the way Ben made me feel. It felt as if the Force was tying us together, the embodiment of light and dark fusing together as one, a grey being that looks through 'refined Jedi sight' to see things better. 

Ben pulled me down to the sand and gently pushed me back. "I want to worship you, Rey. I want to worship every inch of you."

"Then do it." I told him breathlessly, anticipation crawling its way into my blood. I felt Ben's hands slide up my legs, the callous' rubbing against my soft skin. My night gown rose up with hands until I was completely exposed.

Ben hovered over me for a minute, "I love you." He told me and sealed his lips to mine. As he did so, his hand went trailing down my body to my womanhood where he rubbed slowly. "I will always love you, Rey."

I moaned into his mouth as I felt myself grow wet for him. "Please..." I whispered.

Ben lowered his head down my breastbone, trailing kisses of fire. He looked up at me devilishly before slowly lowering his head between my thighs.

In my euphoric ecstasy, all I could feel was the Force moulding, unifying and balancing. I felt hole inside and I never wanted to let that go... Ever!   


It's time for the final showdown guys!

I'd love to hear more from you about how you are enjoying the story or any thing you would like to see happen before the end!


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