Chapter 19

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I finally closed my eyes when the medical droid was sure Rey would be able to breathe on her own without the tube. I hadn't felt this tired in so long. At least in our melds of late we would hold each other whilst we slept until the other disappeared.


I was home, on Chandrila. The city quietly busy with business, the sky twilight and the distant horizon fading beneath the myriad of stars. I was alone, standing on the balcony admiring the serenity of it all until I felt arms wrap around me tightly. It felt so real but my mind was playing cruel tricks on me. Chandrila was never truly home, I was lonely and unloved, discarded while my mother played at politics and my father ran around with bounties on his head.

"Come back to bed. You've watched the stars enough for one night, Ben." I chuckled and turned looking down at Rey. Her hair was loose and she had a greyish purple nightgown on, the crystal pendant tied about her neck.

"This is a dream." I stated solemnly remembering the events of the past few days. My existence felt heavy at the pain of it all.

"Is it not a good dream?" Rey asked me raising an eyebrow holding my hands. I let myself be dragged to our bedroom and lyed back on the bed with Rey nestling up to me. I knew this was a dream but it was a nice dream: there was no war, no First Order, no Resistance, Skywalker, Snoke. No possibility of losing Rey. The past was dead. How I wanted it!

"You can't bring her here." A strange voice jerked me. I glanced around and see a glowing figure at the corner of the room.

"Who are you?" I questioned the transparent figure.

"I am your grandfather, Anakin Skywalker." My thoughts became confused.

"No. My grandfather was Darth Vader." I felt the uncertainty in my tone. It wouldn't be the first time I had been lied to.

"That is true. But you were not told that I was Darth Vader. I returned to the Light before I died." The figure stepped closer to the bed now.

"Thats impossible. I was never told any of this."

"That is because your mother could not forgive me for my sins like your uncle. I have watched you, Ben. You have made many mistakes but your soul is not lost to the darkness. Rey has seen that. The moment you both touched hands and you both saw the futures you desired." He said.
My eyes fall to the bed. I had tumultuous questions firing around my head.

"You said that I cannot bring Rey here. Why?"

"Have you forgotten that the Knights were fellow students who knew where you were born and where you came from? They would think to look there first." He paused before continuing. "Your grandmother and I were planning on raising your mother and uncle in the Lake Country on Naboo. We have a quiet residence their. Uninhabited for years but a safe place nonetheless. You must take Rey there. It is peaceful and away from the war. No one would think to look for you in the Inner Rim core systems." Wise idea.

"Thank you. But why are you helping me now?"

"I am still atoning for my mistakes even in death. I do not want you to feel that same burden, Ben. Take her. As soon as she is well enough." The ghost faded and the room went quiet again. The dream undisturbed and sleeping.


I tightened my grip on Rey's hand as I stirred awake. A sharp pain erupted in my neck as I sat up and straightened lifting one hand up to rub away the tension. My eyes fell on Rey's sleeping face, finally she had gained some colour. I spot the crystal bound round her neck and sighed: everything was simpler when we were on opposite sides of this war. Now everything was complicated and so unnerving.

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