Chapter 26

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"Where's Rey?" I asked Rose for the thousandth time since I arrived back on base. She was gone when I returned and Kerra too.

Rose turned around and looked me in the eye sharply. "I can't tell you."

"SHE IS MY BEST FRIEND, ROSE. SO MAKER DAMMIT, TELL ME." The fiery volcano getting ready to blow inside of me erupted and Rose looked ashen by my outburst.

She walked slowly towards the window of our room and crossed her arms. "You don't think I know that, Finn?" Her voice was quiet and calm as it always was before she herself lost control of her anger. "Because I do, Finn, I really do. Not telling you is hard and telling you is even harder because I know exactly what you'll do."

"Yes, I will go to her. Rey needs me. Us. She needs us." My voice was quiet as I approached her.

Rose pivoted to face me, her eyes were sheened with tears. "She's on Naboo. They are on Naboo."

"Where?" I asked demandingly.

"The Falcon's signal should register Rey's location once you enter Naboo's atmosphere."

I hugged her tightly, "Thank you, Rose. Thank you." I whispered almost like a protective chant.

"Don't do anything stupid."

After that, I flew around our room packing essentials I would need. Trousers, shirts, boots, socks, undergarments. The lot. It all fitted into a satchel which I slung over my shoulder. Before I left the room, I embraced Rose and kissed her goodbye.

The small ship that I piloted was stationed in the left hangar, I would have to go through the armoury in order to get off planet without authorisation. There wasn't usually anyone in the armoury, they only went in for stock checks and when preparing for an attack against the First Order, so it should be easy.

Passing technicians and officers smiled at me or greeted me in politeness to which I returned the gesture. My face was pensive and focused as I quick walked my way around the last corner and found myself at the armoury. I entered the code and walked in, the emergency exit was on the far side so I ran for it. Looking around, I saw the loot of the Vardos attack and how much it was indeed needed here.

The hangar was surprisingly empty and my ship was in sight. I climbed up the ramp and hopped into the cockpit firing up the engines in the process and setting the coordinates for Naboo.

The hyperdrive had been replaced relatively recent so the journey was a lot shorter than anticipated. It was a welcome sight, Naboo with its lush green meadows surrounded by crystalline blue lakes, green forests and cities. The sun blazed high in the ocean sky where not a single cloud was in sight. I was enamoured by its serene beauty. 

The Falcon's signal was soon picked it. It was registered in the Lake Country, somewhere called Varykino. It took less than a minute before I reached the location and saw a magnificent lake house that resembled a castle. How in the heavens did Rey know to hide here?

I landed my ship and descended down into the long lush blades of grass, it was so long, up to my knees. I had to climb a steep hill to reach the residence. Sounds of laughter filled my ear... child's laughter. It was soft and sweet; I found the closer I got to the house, the louder the sound increased in volume.

The Balance Between Us - A Reylo Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt