Chapter 30

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Shadows deep in my sleep, I saw them: the Resistance and the First Order amidst a mighty battle. I recognised the terrain of the planet, it was one giant urban city. The battle somewhere between the citadel and the old Jedi Temple.

Two Knights of Ren were situated in the battle, males judging by their stances and statures. They swung their mighty lightsabers and vibroweapons in every which direction possible slicing and dicing through Resistance soldiers... And First Order troopers! That made no sense.

At first, the Knights were able to deflect the blasters set upon them. But then four X-Wings hovered above them and set upon rapid fire. The Knights were obliterated, unable to deflect the shots at such speed.

The scene changed. It was Naboo... There was Ben with his crossguard ignited and Zira Ren poised to attack. But then a voice shouted to them and Ben's face turned ashen.

It was Vitani Ren holding a vibro knife to Rey's throat. Then there was me crouching in a corner holding Venus in place....

I woke up, sweat dripping from my once sleeping form. My lungs gasped for air, lots of it. I looked into the mirror beside my bed to see my green eyes were feral with terror and relief that it was only a dream.

But it wasn't, it was a vision of the future!

I looked around my darkened room again and saw a blue figure tucked away in the corner. Instinct overtook me and I grabbed my blaster and fired a shot or two.

"Do not be afraid child." The voice spoke, his voice was soothing.

I lowered my blaster. "Who are you?"

The blue figure walked closer. He adorned a round belly and scraggly grey hair framing his aged face. He had a long beard as well from years unkempt. "I am Luke Skywalker, master to Rey and once Ben."

My eyes widened. "Master Skywalker..." I whispered quietly. But he had seemingly heard and nodded his head.

"I came to warn you, Kerra of Vardos."

"Warn me?"

He nodded again. "What you just saw intels many possibilities. The future is never set and stone but one thing is certain, someone must die!"

I scrunched my face up in confusion. "The Knights will, master. I have felt the strength of both Rey and Ben. The Knights will be defeated."

"That may be true, Kerra. But Rey is in a vulnerable situation. And this vulnerability transpires unto Ben."

"They spar everyday, master. Rey is not a vulnerable person." I countered.

Master Skywalker moved closer to me. "You don't believe she would endanger the lives of her children, do you?" I shook my head. "The Force has felt unified in the past few weeks. Growing tighter in grey, that is because together they realised one side of the Force cannot exist without the other... The Knights threaten this."

Realisation hit me. "They want to tip the scales and purge the galaxy into darkness."

Master Skywalker nodded. "How do we stop them?"

"I believe you already know the answer to that." He told me and disappeared leaving me alone and slightly dumbfounded in my bed!


"Remember your form, show me your stance." Ben told me.

I had hold of the long staff that I was using to train with. Today was one of the few days that my morning sickness would allow me to. I gave Ben my stance and he came over to inspect it.

"Sloppy. Out of practice." Ben chastised me as he gripped hold of my waist and turned me slightly, he parted my feet a couple centimetres and tightened my hands around the staff.

I rolled my eyes. "Any excuse to lay your hands on me, Ben Solo."

"I don't need an excuse to touch my wife." Ben retorted using his own staff to hit me.

I could hear Venus sniggering in the corner, "Not in front of Venus, Ben."

Ben smirked and took up his own stance. We circled each other like two nexus waiting to attack, analysing the other for weaknesses and calculating the precise moment for the opening. Sensing my advantage, I lunged into attack first - Ben met my attacks with his own staff. I felt the energy of the Force rushing around us, concentration and undivided focus as we sparred.

The training was vigorous, every manoeuvre made with the utmost accuracy - it was as I had always practised on my own, using my own routines and trips into Ben's mind to enhance my skill. And pure focus, just as Master Skywalker had taught me!

We circled again and met in a lock. I grit my teeth as I ground my staff into Ben's. He was tiring, I could feel it, eventhough I knew he could spar on for an age!


I pulled the bottom of my staff up and whacked Ben in the calf. He grunted and dropped to his knees. I laughed and heard Venus clapping. "That's exactly where I want you." I chided in a mocking tone.

"Is that so?"

I nodded and held my hand out to him. Ben took it and yanked hard pulling me down on top of him. Venus continued to laugh hard in the background. "You scruffy looking nerf herder!"

Ben pulled his brows into a frown of mock hurt. "Who's scruffy looking?"

"Ben. Rey?" We snapped our heads over to the call of our names.


Rey was still straddling my lap when Kerra's voice registered inside our minds. She got off of me slowly and stood up, the training gear Rey wore accented the small mound of her abdomen.

I followed suit standing up. "What is it, Kerra?"

Kerra came rushing forward. "It's the Knights--"

"Yes, we know. They're coming."

"No." Kerra paused her voice exasperated. "They'll be here in a couple of days. I saw it in my sleep. And there will be a fight on Coruscant."

I looked at Rey who in turn glanced at me. "Plan A then."

Rey nodded. "Kerra you are going to take Venus to the cottage. You'll be safe there."

Venus hopped off the bench and ran over to us. "Don't send me away. Please!" She grabbed my gloved hand.

I knelt down to her. "I don't want to send you away. And neither does Rey, but we have to keep you safe."

"But Mama and Baby..."

Rey knelt down as well. "I have to protect Papa and Kerra isn't as well trained with a saber yet. She needs to look after you."

"You leave tonight!" I said standing up and walking over to the stand to return them. My family's future resided on my ability to protect them, even if it would cost me my life!

The Balance Between Us - A Reylo Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant