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I swung my legs under the chair eagerly beating them against the wall, my hands trapped under my thighs.

I watched as Papa paced the corridor, walking backwards, then turning and walking back the way he came.

A scream sounded and he stopped dead in his tracks. "Papa?" I asked timidly.

He looked at me and came over bending down to my level, "Yes, Venus?"

"Is Mother okay?"

He gave a fragile smile, "She will be soon, I promise."

I cocked my head in confusion. Papa turned his head to the room where Mother was and started pacing again.

A moment later, Aunty Rose came out of the room. "How is she?" Papa asked immediately.

Rose held her hand up, "Fine, the midwife says they're ready now." Another scream sounded and

Aunty Kerra poked her head round the door, "Rose, now, please!" Rose turned and walked back through the door.

It felt like forever waiting, me sat on this chair and Papa pacing the length of the corridor. After what felt like an hour, the screams stopped. They were replaced by the sound of cries, long and loud.

I looked up at Papa as he stopped pacing and edged closer to the door. A smile crept onto our faces, at long last, I finally had a real family.

Author's Note:

Wow! This story is finally over. Thank you to all my readers for sticking with the story, the votes and reads.

Please let me know if you would like to see a sequel to The Balance Between Us.

And as always, please vote and comment!!!!

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