Chapter 4

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"He knew I was here on Lothal." I told Poe slightly panicked. 

"How?" Poe rubbed his hand over my back trying to comfort me.

"That mission you asked me to complete on Lothal, four months back where I intercepted the Knights of Ren. They told him about me." I realised now that Ben would always find me. But a small part of me was happy he came back for me. No one had ever come back for me apart from Finn. 

"What happened between you two? I mean I know this is none of my business but you both seem like you know each other really well." I took a sideways glance at Poe. Should I tell him? 

"It's nothing." I stood up brushing Poe's hand away and ignoring the hurt and confused expression on his face. 

I needed a minute to be alone, company has gotten too much for me even though I had been alone for a year. Perhaps being apart of the Resistance would give me a purpose. 

There was balance Rey, complete and utter balance but only for a minute. Luke had said to me. But how could that be?


My eyes trailed after Rey. I didn't understand why she wouldn't talk to me or Finn at least. She was happy to see us understandably but then needed to escape her hut at the mention of Kylo Ren. I knew I was missing something. 

"Hey, Finn. Rose." I nodded as I walked into the cockpit and took a seat behind them next to a sleeping Chewie. 

"Did you notice how strange Rey was acting earlier?" I asked Finn. His head snapped up for a minute and he glanced at Rose who glanced back. 

"No. She seems herself." He went back to flicking control switches.

"Although, that panic attack was out of character for Rey." Rose added.

"She seems closed off to me. Distant even." Finn pushed a button sending the ship into autopilot and then turned around to face me. 

"What are you suggesting? That Rey is working for the First Order?" Finn eyed me suspiciously.

"No. She wouldn't betray her friends and everything she stands for," I took a breath realising I'd dug myself a hole and needed to get out of it quick and fast before Finn buried me alive. "But the way she reacts at the mention of Kylo Ren-" 

"You think we're missing something." I nodded.

"Can we trust Rey anymore?" I risked my friendship with Finn by asking.

"You can trust her." I turned around and saw Rey behind me, her face an emotionless pane. Something flashed in her eyes but only for a minute before she pivoted on her heel and walked out. I stared after her dumbfounded that she caught me questioning her loyalty.


My head was pounding when I opened my eyes. I saw Rey's hut and started to sit up. The freighter was gone, Rey was gone...Again!

Bested by her again in combat. I suddenly remembered Snoke's words "bested by a girl whose never even held a lightsaber. You failed!" 

I picked up my crossguard as I stood to my feet. My anger was boiling inside me. The pain inside me grew. It seemed to grow bigger every time I saw her and every time she left me! I ignited my saber and walked into her hut. I wanted to hurt her, make her feel how I do so I started slashing at the place she had called home for a year, destroying the small hut. 

I stormed out and screamed. I didn't come here to fight her. I came here to find her. To find Rey and bring her back where she belongs. I didn't even notice the communications link flashing as I sat in my Tie-Slicer. My body was shaking with anger - every time I closed my eyes, Rey was there. I took a deep breath before clicking the link on. 

"Yes." I said, my voice clipped and short. 

"Supreme Leader, the Knights of Ren have returned from their latest mission. They await you on Coruscant." General Hux's irritating voice made my ears bleed and my anger returned. 

"I will be there shortly, General." I made the jump to hyperspace, the coordinates set for Coruscant. The mission shouldn't have been completed that easily.


I could hear Poe walking after me. "Rey, wait. Stop!" I carried on walking wishing I was anywhere but this small cramped ship. I couldn't let him know how betrayed I felt. Although given that he was still following me, I'm guessing he already did. 

"Rey, stop!" Poe yelled at me, this time like the commanding general of the Resistance that he is. I stopped but hearing his footsteps coming closer to me, I snapped. I held out my hand and his footsteps stopped, I felt his breath on my neck making the hairs stand up. 

"Let me go Rey." I turned around and watched as he tried to move.

"No." I retorted. And carried on walking. I walked until I found a small supply closet and shut myself inside. I slid down the back of it until I hit the floor. I pulled my knees up to my chest and cried. I cried myself to sleep after an exhausting day. 

I'm walking in the long grass meadows on Lothal, staff in hand and my bag in the other. It's warm, the breeze only slight. I look up at the sky, it's lilac from the setting sun and the moon is beginning to peak above the horizon. I look over my shoulder to see the Millennium Falcon already taking off. I am all alone again. "You're not alone." I turn back around and see Ben. "Neither are you." I tell him. The Force shifts around me and I turn to see Master Luke's ghost stood watching me. I give him a small nod and weak smile. He motions for me to follow and do so. I look back over my shoulder to get one last glimpse of Ben but he's gone. I follow behind Luke for what feels like hours in a solemn silence taking in my surroundings, getting to know my new home. The sky has been painted indigo now and small stars twinkle; I smile and wonder how beautiful and peaceful such a lonely, isolated place can be. I take my eyes away from the night sky and see Luke stood in front of a hut. "Your new home Rey." 

"Rey." I heard a soft knocking on the door. "Rey." I stood up and wiped away my dry tears and brushed off the dust.

I opened the door. "Leave me alone Poe." I looked up and saw that it wasn't Poe. Rose was stood in front of me. 

"I'm sorry, Rose." She gave me a small smile acknowledging my apology. 

"It's okay. Wanna talk?" I nodded and opened the closet door wider. I liked the small space and being cut off from the rest of the ship. There was enough room for the two of us.

"Poe said you froze him." She gave a small chuckle.

"Yes. I didn't want him following me any longer." I told her looking past her at the wall.

"Rey, you can talk to me. I know we don't know each other all too well, but still." Rose surprised me by taking my hand.

"Thanks." I told her and meant it. 

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you leave the hut at the mention of Kylo Ren?" I tensed at the use of that name. I closed my eyes and saw Ben on the Lothal grass out cold - I did that and would do it again, I thought. 

"That's something I'd like to avoid the most and would want to get off my chest at the same time." I told her honestly. 

"We are connected through the Force," I told her, "we have been for over a year." Rose gaped at me intently absorbing my words.

"You don't know him as Kylo Ren anymore, do you?" I tensed again at the name. I shook my head before answering.

"No, I know Ben Solo. And I know he can be saved from himself." I implored her. We sat like this for a long time, Rose listening to me divulge my biggest secret making her promise not to tell anyone until we felt the ship land back on Dantooine.

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