Chapter 5

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I landed on the hanger and stepped out of the Tie. The surrounding troopers stopped and stood to attention as I walked past. I didn't care about them. I stormed around the base until I reached the throne room. Hux was waiting for me outside. He gave me a small nod and opened the door. I walked through the room up the centre to the throne without acknowledging any of the Knights. 

"Supreme Leader," Zira Ren bowed low and removed her helmet, Vitani Ren removed hers also. I noticed a fresh wound on her face. Clearly the mission was as challenging as I'd intended it to be. 

"It was a success I hear." My voice came out blase, the same repetitive nonsense as always.

"Yes, Supreme Leader. Hux had it detained to the cells." I snapped my head towards Hux. What gave him the right to look upon my Knights' success? 

"I thought it best to contain it while you were detained elsewhere Supreme Leader. No one knows its true potential, Vitani Ren got her wound-" Hux was cut off by Vitani pushing him backwards through the Force, clearly not wanting her trials and tribulations made open to me. 

"I want to see it." I cut through the ensuing madness, both Hux and Vitani looked towards me.

Zira Ren turned to address me,
"With all due respect Supreme Leader I do not think that is wise. Until it is better understood-" I gave her a look that could kill, silencing her. 

"Very well, if you'll me Supreme Leader." I nodded and rose from my throne following behind Zira with Hux and Vitani nipping at my heels. 


I watched as Rey and Rose reappeared in the cockpit. You could've cut the tension with a knife. I looked over at Rey but she wouldn't meet my gaze. She'd been crying, her eyes were red and swollen. I glanced away quickly not wanting to feel anymore guilt than I had to. 

"This is General Dameron requesting permission to land." I said into the comm link.

"Permission granted General." A response chimed over the line.

"You got this Finn?" I looked over at him, his flying had most definitely improved. 

"Yeah sure, you go ahead." I stood to take my leave. I exited the cockpit and took one last glance at Rey who was staring straight ahead. I watched as Rose stood and shifted into the co-pilot seat. 

"Was the trip a success General?" Snap was the first to greet me as I jumped off the hanger. In his new position as Commander he had been very useful in aiding me find new pilots and fighters for the Resistance as well as being a great friend. 

"Not in the slightest, Rey's hideout has been compromised by Kylo Ren and so we've brought her back here. I'll take her with me to the next mission." I turned to Snap as we hurried away from the freighter.

"How are the new recruits?" 

"All of them have settled in well, the ones Rey sent a month ago are doing great actually. All have something worth fighting for." Snap replied.

"Don't we all." I said shaking my head and looked over to the freighter and watched as Rey walked off with Rose beside her. Me and my stupid mouth! I excused myself from Snap and walked towards Rey hoping I wouldn't get the same reaction as last time. 

"Rey." They both looked up in my direction and Rey turned to leave but I grabbed a hold of her wrist and turned her back to me. 

"Let go." Rey yanked her arm out of my grasp.

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