Chapter 22 Hunter

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The first few minutes were not pretty, my limbs were stiff and heavy and I swore I step on every trig on the ground. The pounding of my blood echoed in my ears so loud I couldn't tell if someone was following me or not. Finally my muscles started to loosen and my steps were not as clumsy or heavy. My breathing was less of a struggle. I was still scared they would catch me and drag me back to face the people I cared about. I couldn't sit there and see their hate in their eyes. The hate and pain that I caused them. But one thing I have always had and the one thing I loved to do was run. I used what I loved the most to get away from the people I loved the most.

After about 10 minutes I knew it was only a matter of time before they realized I was no longer in the bathroom and I still had no clue what I was going to do or where I was going to go. I was actually surprised they gave me this much time. Maybe they too realized that having me around was just going to hurt more people. I wasn't sure if that thought made me feel better or made it hurt that much more. I had to stop thinking about that. What I had to think about was getting away and where to go. I should had thought this through. It was too late now.

Back near the cabins I heard a long mournful howl. They knew I was gone. My legs started to burn, I had not run this full this many times in one week that my body screamed to slow down. Was it three times this week I found myself running away from people? If you counted my nightmares I guess it would have been 5, think. I had to move faster, not slow down as my body demanded me too. Still no thoughts on where I was going but if I didn't figure it out soon they would be on top of me.

The lake! I knew it was just a head. I hated to slow down but if I broke through the trees in a dead run it would surely raise some eyes. Maybe a 100 feet was the tree line and from here I could have sworn it was too quiet. No splashing, giggling, screaming, no nothing just the subtle lap of the waves that hit the shore. I had to risk it and although I slowed down a bit I was still running.

Breaking through the tree line I was beyond surprised and greatly relieved to find the beach empty of campers and counsellors. This was the break I needed. Using the last bit of strength I could afford to lose I pushed my legs to move faster and harder towards the docks. In the distance I started to hear my name being called. They were closer than I would have liked them to be. Just by the little comments they have made I knew their keen sense of smell would had them following me this way, especially Jarek and his dad, Nikko.

Grabbing the first canoe and paddle I pushed them into the lake. I wished I had time to hide the other paddles but I couldn't risk it. Reaching on the dock for the life jacket that someone carelessly left but I wasn't going to complain since it helped me out right then. Throwing the life jacket in the canoe then climbing in myself I headed towards the boulders that separate the beach. Hoping that little bit of cover would help me reach the other side and out of their sights. It wasn't that far really but when your body ached, exhaustion weighed you down even through my adrenaline rush it seemed like it was kilometers away.

The shouting grew closer but I had a 10 minute start on them and I know I was fast but being in this canoe was slowing me down and every shout had my hair stand up at the back of my neck. The boulder formation was so close, all I needed was one more minute then at least I would have cover I needed. Sweat dripped into my eyes and down my spine. The little breeze blowing at my back did little to help. My breathing was almost a pant and I knew I had to slow it down before I started to hyperventilate. My heart was beating so loud and hard I thought it was going to pound its way right out of my chest. But I was past the boulders now. One step closer what? To freedom? Yeah right. To safety? Wrong again, if anything I was running right into it. To what? Loneliness.? Yes. To give the people I love freedom to love and not get hurt? Yes! To live their lives without having to worry about other wolves ambushing them? Absolutely!

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