Chapter 7 Hunter

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 Feeling a bit off after I left the office I went back over the questions Amanda had asked, not so much the questions but more her responses to my answers. Changing my direction at the last second decided bug spray would be much needed. In my own little world I didn't notice the dark figure dressed in all black that stepped out in front of me. Letting out one of my embarrassing squeals before automatically pushing the figure away from me. I guess that was better than my usual jumping-out-of-my-skin routine.

"What is effing wrong with you!" I screamed at Jarek, (the black figure), "Do you enjoy scaring the shit out of me?" I slapped my hand over my mouth realizing I just yelled and cursed out a camp counsellor. Oh and can't forget about pushing him. Did that classify as assault? Oh shit. I know it was wrong but I was not going to apologize. Not his time. Jarek creeped me out and every time I was alone he seemed to pop out of nowhere scaring me to death.

Arms crossed over his very impressive chest, eyebrow raised he just stared at me not saying a word. That was fine because I didn't want to talk to him anyways. In fact I wanted to get the hell away from him. Taking a step to the side to go around him, Jarek did the same blocking my path again.

"Well if someone, no names mentioned, watched where she is going. Then maybe just maybe she would not jump when she runs into people walking," he said smirking the whole time.

My eyes narrowed ready to tell him where he could shove his opinion. "No names mentioned, if he made some noise so that other people could hear him coming then maybe, just maybe people wouldn't jump at the sight of him," I mocked. I just couldn't keep the sarcasm out of my voice. The man just rubbed me the wrong way, and being sarcastic instead of showing fear always worked better for me. Honestly, who liked being scared and who liked letting other people knowing they were scared. Not me.

He laughed. Stepping aside, bowing and swept his arm dramatically and said, "The path is all yours, my lady."

Seeing him do that I had to struggle not to smile. The man was nuts! One minute I couldn't get away from him fast enough and the next he was cute and not as scary and I just wanted to stare at him. Being me, I like to get the last word in so I said as I walked by him, "Thank you Counsellor Jarek." Ok so not my best come back and I really meant to have a sarcastic tone but it was kinda hard when I giggled at the end. I can't believe I giggled!

* * *
Mr. Thomas

"Are they done?" I've been waiting to see these test results all day. "Is Jarek here yet?"

Amanda sighed, "Adam, the blood work was taken just an hour ago. The one test is almost ready to read, but the others...not till tomorrow. Late tomorrow, and I will let you know as soon as they are done." She stared daggers at me making sure I got the hint. The hint was clearly don't bug me till then.

It was not what I wanted to hear but there was nothing I could do. Sitting at my desk trying to be patient with Amanda as she sat at her desk going over notes instead of telling me how the check-up went. "So since you don't know anything as of yet, do you at least know where Jarek is?" My tone was flat, not wanting to take out my aggravation on Amanda.

Rolling her eyes up to see me she said, "I did not say that I did not know anything. You assumed I did not and Jarek is outside harassing Hunter as we speak." She had no problem sharing her own impatience.

"What!" I was out of my chair and at the window in a split second. "And you are just sitting here doing nothing?" Looking out the window all I saw was Jarek doing some pathetic bow.

Amanda was laughing hysterically watching me stare out the window through the slits of the blinds, trying not to look obvious. Shaking her head, wiping away tears of laughter she said, "Adam when are you going to learn she can take care of herself? Since she's hit 12 you drive yourself crazy every time a boy talks to her. You know as well as I do she's a very smart girl who makes good decisions."

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