Chapter 10 Mr.Thomas

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Sitting out on the porch with the first cup of coffee of the day was the most peaceful one. The sun making its first appearance. The birds singing, the warming wind blowing softly, a start of a new day. Another 2 hours before breakfast got on its way and the kids woke up for their first official day of camp. Schedules set and a day of complaining when the teens tried to change theirs so they could spend every waking hour with long-time friends, which was when I would tell them nicely to deal with what they had and send them on their way. This was probably the busiest day of camp besides getting everyone settled into their cabins.

All year I waited for summer camp, it wasn't just the kids that enjoyed it. Year after year I too became attached to seeing their faces every year. To see how much they have changed and to hear how school went and what their plans were for following year. Inhaling deep the fresh scent of coffee hit me first then the bark of the trees, fresh pine and dirt, all my favourite smells; the scents of home and freedom. Closing my eyes taking in the scents, sounds, and the predawn air warmed my skin. Then came a subtle underlying scent that was out of place. Inhaling more deeply I caught the out of place scent; blood. Jumping up, I dropped my hot mug of coffee. The mug shattered and the hot coffee splattered on the wood. I search for the source.

Breaking through the tree lines at a brisk pace was Jarek caring someone in his arms. No not someone, Hunter. Off the porch at a dead run letting my senses open wide I heard her strong heartbeat, and steady breathing. What I could see where cuts, scrapes, and drying blood over her legs, arms, hands, and face. Jarek's face gave nothing away as he cradled Hunter's body close to his chest.

"She...fine. She says she fine," Jarek said when I was about five feet away.

"What the..." I took a breath before I started cursing the mother's name in vain. "What happened?" I went to take Hunter from his arms.

Jarek stepped to the side and said, "I finally have her where I am not hurting or touching anything that hurts, I'll carry her the rest of the way." It made sense and was an innocent enough request but Jarek's eyes said different.

"Hi Mr. Thomas," Hunter's said groggily, "I cut my hand on a glass can you see if Amanda is busy. I think I might need stitches."

"Sure thing sweetheart. Than you are going to tell me what happened and why you were in the woods. Both of you," I glowered at Jarek when Hunter wasn't looking.

Back in the office, Hunter changed out of her ripped, stained nightshirt while Jarek and I waited quietly while Amanda went into the room to clean Hunter's cuts. Hissing came from Hunter as Amanda used antiseptics on her cuts had me on edge. I know they were mostly superficial cuts but I was supposed to protect her from getting hurt. Period. Keeping my mouth shut, trying to cool down because I knew if I started to ask questions at this moment I would blow my cool and start yelling. Jarek seemed calm but I could see the muscles in his back tense and his eyes colder than usual every time Hunter made a pain filled noise.

I was just about to say something to break the silence when Amanda, followed by Hunter, came out of the room. Amanda's eyes were tight with worry but said nothing. Hunter looked worn out and exhausted. Dark circles under her eyes, hand bandaged, minor scrapes on her arms, legs, and cheek. Faint discolouring began to show on her wrists, forearms and cheek; the beginning signs of bruising.

Still in the camp's hospital gown, Hunter kept her eyes down and sat gingerly on the office loveseat. I didn't care how much she stayed tight lipped or protested, she was not leaving until I knew what the hell was going on and told her so.

Hunter sighed, hands clasped on her lap and said, "Had a dream. Cut my hand on the glass I had on the nightstand and was coming here to see if anyone was here to look at it. On my way I got spooked and ran." She looked at me with pleading eyes. She did not want to say anything else but it was too damn bad.

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